I Don't Know Where This Is Going Anymore

by - 10:39 PM

I’m going to try and not make this the most depressing post ever because I feel like that’s all I post nowadays and that’s not what I want this blog to turn into so let’s try and keep this upbeat, okay?

Let’s just say that I don’t reaaally know what I’m doing with this blog anymore. This started off with me posting (crap) beauty posts and the occasional lifestyle post thrown into the mix too just to make it a bit more interesting. But as I’ve tried to grow my “brand” (please don’t virtually punch me for saying that, I’ve already done it myself), I’ve moulded this blog to make it a bit broader and generally more interesting for both you, the reader and me, the blogger. Problem is, I’ve kind of hit a plateau, and I don’t really know what I want to do with this blog anymore. 

Don’t get me wrong, I love this blog with all my heart, and I want to write it for years and years and it will always have a special place in my heart - but I don’t want it to get stale either. 

I’ve found myself wanting to talk about different things, like hairdressing and k-pop, or mental health or sexuality, but often I stop myself because I’m afraid that people aren’t going to be interested in that, so they’ll stop reading. Slowly but surely, I’m basically writing the same posts over and over, no original, fresh content, just rehashed, dull-as-dishwater, follow-the-heard, crap that is totally boring and that even I wouldn’t read (which is rather bad when you think that even the blogger whom the blog belongs to wouldn’t read her own stuff, isn’t it?). I’m no longer proud of what I’m putting up, and I’m even getting sick of looking at the same design all the time. and it’s the that I realised I needed to take action.

I thought about it long and hard and decided to take a break from Matti May Hardie for 1 or 2 weeks to decide a lot of things, without having to pressure myself to write posts that I know will ultimately get deleted. This whole blog shall be going offline for one week (sob) as of the 25th and will be going back up either on the 2nd or the 9th. During this break, I’m going to be rethinking everything about this blog, down to how my pages are laid out and how I start the posts. I wouldn’t call it a rebranding, because it’s not, it’s just a bit of change, a spring clean if you will. 

Until then, I have a couple of pre-written posts that will be going up so don't worry your pretty heads about that.

Matti x

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