Dear Diary: Work Loads and Missing People

by - 7:40 PM

I'm trying out a new format on here for size, I'm probably going to replace the 'Cup Of Tea And A Catch Up' series with this because I totally fell out of love for it. I created it right at the start when I first started this blog and I find it a bit stale and boring.

I haven't been home for going on three weeks now, which is a habit I've suddenly gotten into, and to be honest I can't bloody wait. I find that I appreciate my home a lot more when I'm not there all the time, given that I live in the middle of the countryside, it's easy to get cabin syndrome pretty quick. I do miss my Mum though, which is incredibly cliché but true. I think we definitely get along better when we're not always together, and it's a lot more special when we do see each other again.

It feels really refreshing to move places, I always thought I was a homebody but I actually rather enjoy moving around and seeing new places.

College is intense at the moment. There's a lot of work to do outside of school and I feel like we've gone from 0 to 100 within a year and it's making me fairly uneasy.

It's interesting to look back at all my past report cards and see how different it was when I was in hairdressing and now I'm in DTMS (for the record and those who are new, I'm in a course called DTMS which is an acronym for 'Diplôme du Technicien des Métiers du Spectacle'. In short, it's an a-level where we learn to be dressers and costume-makers in theatres, cabarets - my teachers have contacts with people at the Moulin Rouge and the Crazy Horse, just sayin' - operas and the like).

I went from being a very mediocre, 'could do better' student to being a rather good student and it's a very strange feeling.

Though I have discovered, being a good student is harder than it looks. I find myself putting so much pressure on myself and putting my work before my mental and physical health. Not to go all dramatic on you, it's just that I'm finding myself working myself harder and harder because I feel like I have a reputation to uphold.

I'm trying to keep a hold of my sanity though and allowing myself breaks because otherwise, I may go a bit mad soon.

It's also why I've let myself go on the blogging front. I'm trying to write a few posts so I can get back into it but it's time-consuming and school is pretty much taking up all of my attention.

Though I'm not complaining. I love what I do and I know I'm incredibly lucky to be here, but it's stressful none the less.

Any tips to handle workloads better are always welcome. Would a post about how I organise my work at school be something you guys would like?
Also, is this new format something we like? Let me know any opinions or changes you would like.

M x

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