Pre-Holiday Beauty Prep Essentials

by - 1:55 PM

I'm going on an impromptu holiday to the coast with my Dad tomorrow. And as excited as I am, I'm also panicking because I'm bound to forget something. Because let's face it, if you don't want to look amazing and take 245654 photos for Instagram then what's the point? To avoid you getting into this kind of a situation (and also very casually looking like a very small troll in a bikini), I'm going to be giving you a list of my most important holiday beauty preps.

I've always said I wanted to try fake tanning but I'm a bit scared of it and I'm far from up to looking like a tangerine on the beach.


I always have the worst skin in summer. I find myself with spots and bumpy skin galore because a) I don't drink enough and b) because I sweat like I've just run a marathon. So, to look glowing and potentially kill any spots that are thinking of showing their faces to enjoy the sun, too. I like to use either a clay mask or make my own (v much enjoying Pinterest for the ideas for DIY face products). I also have been using the Neutrogena Shine and Pore exfoliant scrub to try and get some of the crap off my face. I tend to let it set for a little bit to really let it get to work.


This is probably the step where I curse myself most about. You see, I don't wear sandals or open shoes. I'm that person who walks around in Vans in 30-degree heat. I also walk a lot so I kind of find myself with pretty crusty feet, but not this year! Even though I forgot about them until last week, and I'm finally taking care of them, and like to slather them in cream whenever I think on (ideally about 5 times a day to make sure they're super smooth - but that NEVER happens). I like to use Shea Butter but any rich body or even face moisturiser will do the job.

Exfoliate and Moisturise

I try and exfoliate as often as I remember to, but over the summer I've really tried cracking down on it. I don't bother buying anything to exfoliate with because it's so ridiculously easy to make some - here's the recipe.
To make enough to exfoliate my whole body:
  • 5 tbsp of brown sugar
  • 3 tbsp of olive or coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp of lemon (optional)
Generally, I play around with the measurements but the point is that you want all the sugar to be covered in oil but that you can't see any excess oil in the bowl. The lemon isn't essential but it helps to prevent any bacteria coming and aggravating the area you're shaving. I wouldn't recommend it as a face exfoliant because it's quite harsh on the skin but the harshness feels kind of nice on the body. I try and do that the week before I leave and then I find a little receptacle and make a batch enough to last me through the week while I'm on holiday too so I can keep doing it. Also, the beauty of using oil is that your skin is also moisturised after which is practical.


I'm going to be honest, and say that I detest shaving. It gives me rashes, even when I do all the fancy stripper techniques they tell you to do on Pinterest, and it's such a long job I just can't be bothered to be honest. But I do it because yanno, when you're on the beach the last thing you want is an eyefull of your own pubic hair. I know a lot of people wax but I'm not prepared to put myself through that kind of ordeal thanks. I'll tend to try and remember to exfoliate and moisturise intensively about a week before I leave and then shave the night before or even the day I arrive. 


My eyebrows are very quickly becoming small caterpillars that are just hanging out on my face, which usually I'd just ignore a maximum, but since I'm going on holiday I tend to make an effort. I generally don't touch the shape, and just pluck above, below and between. 


I don't drink enough, as mentioned before, but I know that it's such a benefit to a person, so I make a special effort to drink more water (and hope it'll stick!).

Cold sore cream

I feel like very few people know this but cold sores can be caused by the sun. The heat and the UV rays break you out, and I get them so often that I prefer to be safe than sorry. I use a product that is a lip balm that I apply morning and night as a preventative method, and it kills any bacteria that may give me one too. There's no specific brand but I'd definitely trying over the counter products at a chemist.


I mean I'm all up for getting my nails done professionally and all that, I just don't really have that kind of a budget. I tend to stick to a darker colour but sometimes I'll go for red which just makes me feel like a millionaire's wife.

M x

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