March/April Favourites | Matti May Hardie

by - 7:06 PM

Hey all,
Hows you?

Another month, another set of favourites. Let's get straight to it shall we? I have barefaced for pretty much the entirety of this month so there haven't been that many beauty favourites, unfortunately.
Also, side note, for all the photos of me on this post, please do your best to ignore the downright disgusting roots and pratically totally washed out colour, I'm getting it redone next week (I hope - if not, I'm going purple but that's a totally other kettle of fish!)


I have this thing for sunglasses. And when I say thing, I mean obsession. I don't quite get why but I love how they can just pull an outfit together. The problem is that I haven't really got enough money to justify spending a fortune on decent sunglasses, so I always buy crappy ones that cost like 5€ and they always break. So I found these little babes at La Halle (yet another french shop - sorry about that), and I fell in love. So I bought them and I feel so fly whenever I wear them, so I'm to take major care of them to they'll stay around as long as possible.

Boyfriend Jeans

I seem to have completely left my skinny jeans to one side recently and I've started wearing my boyfriend a heck of a lot more. They're so comfy and look good with pretty much anything. My ones, as usual, are from RedSoul but, as usual, I can't find them on their website. (And I'm sorry for anyone wondering but my blouse, jacket and shoes are incredibly old and it's basically impossible to find them anywhere anymore - soz).

Harem pants
When Mama told me that she was going to Thailand, I had one (okay, two) words for her: harem pants. They're basically these fucking massive, cotton, trousers, that are literally so impossibly comfortable. She bought me back two, bless her little heart, and they already have holes in them because I've worn them so much! (Currently don't have them with me as both pairs are at a friend's house and I can't get back there yet - photo will be added soon!)


I was recommended to this by Simon and Martina in one of their videos, and I immediately downloaded it. What it is, is a messaging app with a difference. I'm making that sound weird and confusing in equal measures. Basically it's a messaging app, but instead of putting your contacts in and talking to them, you enter the language that you speak, and the language you want to learn (so, for example, I put in English as the language I speak and Korean as the language I want to learn - oh yeah, did I mention? I want to learn Korean, as you do), then it gives you suggestions for people who have the opposite (in my case, speak Korean and want to learn English), that way, you can chat and you both help each other learn languages. It's really good, I'm currently chatting to an impossibly lovely Korean girl and it's really nice to meet people (which is something I love to do!). I'm really super happy with it and would encourage anyone who wants to learn a new language to have a go.

Simon and Martina

I discovered this channel when I stumbled across a video on Facebook that Martina was in. I was thoroughly intrigued to see more videos of people who live in Korea. Basically they're this amazing couple (they are actual relationship goals) who lived in Korea for 7 years, then moved to Japan (they literally moved to Japan just after I subscribed to them because they lived in Korea - urgh) and they document their experiences there. They're super funny and genuine and nice and cool and I *kind* of want to be best friends with them. Just a lil' bit. They also have a blog, which has the coolest name - Eat Your Kimchi. I'd really recommend going over and subscribing, you shan't regret it.

Missguided dress

Mama placed a secret Missguided order I don't quite know when, and it ended up being not so secret because most of it didn't fit her *facepalm*. She asked me if I wanted this dress because it didn't suit her, I immediately saw it's potential... to be a jumper. Look, I hate knit dresses, I always have and I always will. They just aren't flattering. On anyone. However, this one had more potential to be a super cute jumper, as seen in the photo. I may cut it, though I'm kind of scared to because I can't sew or do anything like that to save my life and I would probably just ruin it, which would be a shame, wouldn't it? Though now I am on the hunt for more knit jumpers like this one because I love them.
Quick side note: I'd never been on the Missguided website, they've got some lovely stuff on there, haven't they? I think I shall be having a little looky-do to see what I can find (preferably without breaking my bank account too).

Benefit "Gimme Brow" Brow Mascara

I got this when I went to Sephora and to be honest I was a little skeptical about it. I'm more a filling in girl and the idea of brow mascara scared and confused me in equal measures. Nonetheless, I picked it up and gave it a try. And well. It's bloody good. 
To give you an example, this morning I didn't have time to put it on, so I left it for later, and I went from eyebrow-less to BOOM HELLO EYEBROWS. It is a bit tricky to use, so I recommend buying it at Sephora and ask one of the sales assistants (shout-out to the lady at Sephora in Agen - she was adorable) to explain the best way to apply it. 
I want to say that I use it everyday but that'd be lying. I don't use it everyday and in fact I use it sparingly for the simple reason that I feel like I can't actually afford to use it everyday - it IS expensive, but then again, it's Benefit - you get what you pay for.

Dior "Lip Maximiser" Lip Gloss

My Mum gave me a sample of this I can't even remember when, and I wasn't able to try it because I either had a cold sore or chapped lips. Delightful. But this weekend my lips were in decent enough condition (for my lips) so I thought what's the worst that could happen? And gave it a go.
DID. NOT. REGRET. Oh my god. Now, you guys know me, I can't be doing with lip glosses. We're just not compatible. But to be honest I'm prepared to deal with that JUST this little beauty.
What it does is basically what it says on the tin. You apply it and you get a really cool, tingly feeling on your lips which you either love or hate. Then it makes your lips go bigger (it has something to do with the collagen in it, from what I've gathered) and all of a sudden you become Kylie Jenner and you want to take 420363954 selfies. 
It works like a dream and I'm in love. Luckily, my Mum bought the full sized version that I will be sure to pinch at every given chance - mouahaha.
I have a question about this product - why have I not heard about this product yet? Is it because I don't follow as many beauty vloggers and bloggers as I used to or is it just not getting enough love?
It has a hefty price, obviously, because, you know, Dior. So that's less cool. But it's worth the money, in my opinion.

What have you been loving this month?

Aller Kiss,
Matti x

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