Little Mostly High-End Make-Up, Fashion and Piercing Haul | Matti May Hardie

by - 3:55 PM

Hey all, how's you?
On Friday, Mama and I decided to go and make the most of the end-of-season sales and ended up demolishing both the shops and Mama's bank account (soz, Eomma). I wanted to share my love for what I bought because they're so pretty! So I decided I'd knock up a quick mid-week haul for you guys to share my purchases.
To be totally honest, I really wasn't sure about this purchase. I was a bit hesitant about spending 13€ on a nail varnish, but I decided to take the plunge, seeing as I had been buying cheap nail varnishes and it's totally pointless and doesn't last even one day so I decided to give a more expensive varnish a go. We shall see!
I'd heard about this from everyone and his dog. I finally decided to give it a go, since it's just too hot to use foundation, but I feel like just concealer leaves me looking rather white and patchy, so this seemed like the perfect thing. I shall be doing a review of it in the near future because after having used it for a couple of times I have a few thoughts about it.
I've been looking for a decent blending brush for ages and ages, and I'm hoping this is what I'm looking for. The lady in Sephora tested it on my hand and it looked so amazingly natural that I'm really looking forward to trying it out.
I did some particular damage in Burton Of London...
It's been a long time since I fell in love with an item of clothing as much as I have for this blazer. I don't even know why, but I guess it must have been love at first sight - I didn't even know it was coming before it arrived in my life, and all of sudden I can't live without it.
Burton T-Shirts (See here and here) - 17,97€ each
I've needed a couple of go-with-everything t-shirts for ages, and I had been nagging my Mum to allow me to get some boys clothes for ages, so when we ventured into Burtons the other day they were the two things I was looking for, other than men's shirts because Burtons' men's shirts are just beauties.
Jennyfer Bikini - 7,99€
I've needed a decent bikini for an age and a half, and I think I've finally found it. I'm very happy with it. (Sorry but I don't quite feel comfortable showing myself in a bikini).
Okay so I went a little crazy in Crazy Factory and bought some little bits and pieces and thought I'd add them to this haul, too.
Rose gold
I've had my eye on this little bad boy for a while now and it's so pretty I couldn't not!
I just found this one so cool. There is no story behind this. I was disappointed the back end wasn't a point to make it really look like a bullet but there you are.
I've heard a lot of people talking about how comfortable silicone plugs are so I think this'll be good for everyday use and it really is super comfy (plus it makes my 8mm look like a 10 so I'm happy)
LGBT represent! I mean, I couldn't stop myself, I find this so cute. It is rather fiddly to put it and definitely needs lubrication.
I've wanted an actual septum piercing for ages, but I'm too chicken (I'm scared of the pain, okay?!), so I bought this fake one instead. One day, I hope, one day...
Dog Tag (Chain and Tag)
I've been looking for a new piece of necklacery (is that a word?) and I really like how uncommon a dog tag is.
Hope you enjoyed this post, let me know what you've bought recently in the comments.
Matti x
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