Current Favourites

by - 3:10 PM

Hey all, how's you?

I've got to say, I'm not doing too well with this blog malarky, am I? I'm trying, guys, I really am, but life has become very hectic all of a sudden so I'm doing my best to balance everything out, but something had to suffer and sadly it turns out that something was my blog content. I figured to get myself back into things I'd give you guys a little run down of some things I've been enjoying using of late. There's no particular month or anything to this, just things I've been liking recently.

Okay, now THIS is a comeback. After lord (haha, sorry) knows how long, Lorde is back with this superbe new album. I'll be incapable of explaining it to you, but god it's beautiful and makes you feel everything at once.

Mama gave this to me when she realised it actually wasn't her shade and I've been really enjoying it! It looks really natural, yet it gives me the eyebrows I wish I had.

I mentionned this book in my birthday haul, and I started reading it almost as soon as I received it because I'd been waiting to read it for ages! It's perfect for someone who has anger management problems, and I really relate to it and it's so beautifully well talked about. Well done, A.S King, go you.

This is fast becoming one of my favourite mascaras. It's pretty much the best replacement for Perversion that I have (okay, not the cheapest but it was given to me so, yanno). It makes my lashes look fuller and longer and just nicer than they usually look, and honestly I'm just enjoying wearing it on it's own.

White Vans Collective

Dreast is a great friend of mine, and when they came to me to design their blog, of course I said yes! Their blog is insanely pleasing to look at, and even their writing is just heavenly!

Fidget Spinners

BEFORE YOU JUDGE ME HEAR ME OUT! Look, I have anxiety. Like, really bad anxiety. Notably social anxiety. More precisely, social anxiety surrounding taking public transport, something I have to do often, so when Mama came home after someone gave her a fidget spinner, I figured I'd give it a go. I often play with my hair and my clothes and fidget all the time whilst waiting for things so I'm hoping this can help to remedy that.

Sephora 'Instant Nail and Cuticle care' 

I've been using this for a few months now, and I'd never thought to mention it, probably because I didn't even realise how well it worked until now. My nails are in dire condition. They break super easily, they spend a lot of time suffocated under nail polish, they chip, I spend a lot of time with my hands under water because of my job, and I don't put hand cream on and stuff to nourish them nearly as much as I'd like. Let's just say there's a certain lack of love towards my nails! This, however, is perfect. This little gem is non-rince, and all you need to do is just stick your fingers in really quickly, massage it in and you're good to go! And, you can do it with or without nail varnish. (It's also impossible to find a link to this thing. My apologies)

Yankee Candle 'Viva Havana'

This smells just wonderous. I'm not even going to try and explain the smell because I will botch it up entirely but just trust me it smells amazing.

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  1. I love Yankee candles and I'm loving the sound of this one! x I also have the goof proof and I think it's fab, but I'm going to have to try that Chanel mascara! x Lovely current favourites! xx
