10 Things About Periods

by - 7:14 PM

I know a lot of people who get really squeamish when it comes to talking about periods, which always confuses me. What? Do you change your protection with your eyes closed? It's your own blood, why are you grossed out by that? 

Of course I’m not expert and I’m in no way a professionnel but I figured it was the least I could do, so here is a lot of things about periods (in the form of a list, because it’s been a while since I’ve done a good list). However, pre-warning, these are things that I personally have experienced/noticed. It's not necessarily going to happen to you, everyone is different.

1/ Some symptoms won’t necessarily come straight away. At first, literally nothing happened. I would just bleed out of my vagina and that was that. It’s only as it went on that I started getting cramps, mood swings, and all those fun things. It’s fairly unstabilising to FEEL EVERYTHING all of a sudden.

2/ Ibuprofene is your new boo. Stomach cramps happen because your womb is simulating birth. Yeah. Fun. Stomach cramps are actually mini contractions. and since ibuprofene is an anti-inflammatory, it calms your womb and helps the pain subside better than if you were using paracetamol or other.

3/ Even if you’re like set like a clock it can come early/late. Sometimes I get surprises (always when I’m wearing my best underwear!) though I must say that the period tracker that I’ve been using for ages now really helps. I’d never been very good with tracking my period, and I would always forget to do it, but with Clue I’ve really tried to stick with it and I can definitely see it paying off. The more info you put in the better it can predict when your period is going to be and gives you loads of information that I don’t understand half of to be honest, but it's still pretty interesting.

5/ Protection is key and you don’t immediately find the right one for you. there are tons of different period products out there and generally you find your preferred one through trial and error. there are pads and tampons, but there’s also moon cups which are just amazing apparently (i’m meaning to try but i must admit i’m a bit scared of them). oh and tampons don’t always fit. if you’ve never had penetrative sex with a penis or other, then you may struggle a bit.

6/ Period sex is weird. people make it out to be dirty, or this amazing experience. but you don’t have to do it. some people are into it and other people aren’t.

7/ You’re going to have to deal with mood swings. you’ll find yourself crying for the slightest thing. I once started crying because I’d said something that sounded sad. oh and wanting to kill everyone for breathing is a frequent one for me too. i have yet to find a solution to this to be honest.

8/ The pill is not your enemy. it’s not the best alternative, but a lot of people will make it sound like it’s the devil’s working. granted, putting artificial hormones and chemicals into your body isn’t the greatest idea, but if you find absolutely no other solution, then don’t stop yourself if you know it can genuinely help you.

9/ Underwear. oh my lovely lingerie. how many nice knickers and even trousers have been ruined because of lady nature. i heavily recommend keeping a pad or a tampon in your bag for safety at all times. trust me, tried and tested, you can thank me later.

10/ Cravings and bloating is going to happen, all my ed humans out there, it’s going to be okay. there are loads of pro-ana and pro-mia techniques out there, but please, don’t go in for it. just breath, and remember that it’s temporary and that it will pass. and if you’re in the midst of an eating disorder, please, get help. there are loads of different charities and organisations that can  help you and give you the support and advice that you need. (also my instagram messaging is open if ever anyone needs to talk) 

If you have any tips feel free to leave them in the comments.

M x

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