Blogging Tips #2 | Matti May Hardie

by - 3:25 PM

Hey all,

Hows you?

I have been put to the test recently as a blogger, and I've learnt a lot because of it, and I thought I'd do another post to share some of that wisdom with you.

1/ Pre-Write Posts
If you aren't able to use your computer a lot, pre-write posts on paper. That way, all you need to do is copy them down and get the photos - that's actully what I'm doing now!

2/ Take Photos in Bulk
Taking photos in bulk will be your best friend always. It doesn't take as long as you'd think once you've found your style and got the knack of it.

3/ Host Guest Posts
It's okay to use guest posts on your blog now and again. Not so long ago, my friend Ellie from Miss Backwards did a guest post and it's a very popular post. Sometimes, you can get a bit stale, so having someone else post on your blog really can freshen things up and bring some new readers in.

4/ You Just Have To Deal With Jealousy
You know when you have a blogging friend/other blogger who has better stats/more opportunities/layoutgoals (looking at you CocoChic!)? That jealous feeling you get? Yeah, you're just going to have to get used to that, it happens a lot. Bad news, my loves, you've just got to ignore it and suck it up.

5/ Reach Out To Brands Yourself
One thing that I think is wrongly understood by a lot of bloggers is that it's only brands or PR companies should contact you, not vice versa. I don't agree. Send them a quick message just to say, hi, I exist, you are/work with some cool companies, fancy sending me some of your products? (In a more professional way, obvs). Then again, don't try and punch above your weight, because if you get 20 views per post, don't expect to try and work with Benefit or TooFaced.

And there we have it! I hope you enjoyed this post, if you're a blogger, leave some tips down below in the comments.

Aller Kiss,
Matti x

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Stock photos were used in this post

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