50 (More) Facts About Me | Matti May Hardie

by - 11:56 AM

Hey all,
Hows you?

I did one of these about a year ago and I felt like I had missed so much out! It's surprising just how limiting 50 facts are as once you get to about 30 they all come rolling out and you feel like you can't stop, so when you finally do hit 50 you want to carry on! Anyway, with that being said, I decided to do another one, and here it is!

1. I like people to think I'm weird. Well, I mean, I am weird, but I love it when I get strange looks off people. 

2. I'm very sensitive to sound and bright light. I also hate loud noises and when I was little I used to hate it when my Mum used the hoover.

3. I have absolutely no tact. I'll either tell you something straight out or not at all. There is no inbetween.

4. I love the sound of keys when someone is typing really fast. (Which is cool when your Mum can type 10 words in 30 seconds or something ridiculously like that).

5. I can't keep my hair the same colour for more than a few months. The next colour I'm thinking of is mint green or blue.

6. I don't celebrate Valentine's Day because it's fucking commercial and I believe that people should show their love for each other all year around and not use some made up holiday as an excuse.

7. I have a lot of trouble focusing on one task. This is how I tend to explain it to other people: “I’ll start doing job 1, then remember I needed to do job 2, then my Mum will ask me to do job 3, I’ll go back to job 1 in the middle of doing job 3 and then remember I had to finish job 2, then I’ll feel like doing job 4, then stop in the middle of job 4 and do job 3, then remember job 1, and so on and so forth.” - THIS IS WHY I NEVER GET ANYTHING DONE.

8. I am extremely blunt with the people I love. If I need to tell you something and I love you, I’ll 10 to 1 just blurt it out, without considering your feelings first. Still working on the considering feelings bit.

9. I can’t deal with sensitive people because I have a very sarcastic humour and it irritates me when it offends people.

10. In case you hadn't noticed yet, I swear a lot.

11. I love long words (and using them).

12. My dream job would be a singer/actress/model/director/writer (preferably all at once).

13. I really want to visit Seoul and learn to speak Korean.

14. I also have a weird fantasy about joining a Korean girl group. It’s not that kind of fantasy, I’d just really like to do it, even though it’ll probably never happen!

15. Since the age of 12, I’ve partially lived at my best friend’s house and I am basically like her adopted sister now.

16. I can name every English king and queen since William The Conquerer to now in order and in song (thanks, Horrible Histories).

17. I talk to myself. A lot. 

18. I take criticism really badly, unless I ask you for it.

19. I am a very excitable person. It’ll be 8am just turned and I’ll be bouncing off the walls, chatting, laughing, dancing, singing, shouting. The lot. How I have friends, I don't know.

20. I've never seem a Disney film apart from Peter Pan.

21. I'm a total fangirl when it comes to kpop, notably my favourite band, BTS.

22. When I was little, I saw a little person walking down the street, and turned to my Mum and cried "Oh look Mummy! A baby man!" 

23. I write tweets in my head when I can't actually tweet it.

24. One day, I want to direct my own film.

25. I also want to have my own book published.

26. I am very emotive and am useless at hiding my emotions. If something's wrong, you'll probably know about it pretty quickly. However, I very rarely cry. I'll just be really sad and depressed but I rarely physically have tears coming out of my face.

27. I say "I wanted to *act of violence* them" a lot.

28. I am exceedingly sarcastic (and it drives my Mum crazy - mouahaha)

29. I have an infinite love for Sia and the songs she creates.

30. I have an unhealthy relationship with hand cream. I use that stuff all the bleeding time.

31. I absolutely love making people laugh. 

32. The term "girlfriend and boyfriend" makes me cringe to the point where I can't actually say it out loud (even typing it was a challenge).

33. Whenever I feel awkward or uncomfortable about saying something, I'll either mumble to the point where no one can understand what I've said or use a little high pitched voice.

34. I walk really fast and I'm always "that friend" who's walking in front of everyone else.

35. I once wrote over 40,000 words of a book then lost it all because my computer crashed and I was never able to get my data off it. I nearly cried.

36. Generally, I'm the one who'll message you first. But I'll be endlessly grateful if it's you.

37. I basically live in comfy clothes. I tend to even go to class in joggers because I just can't be bothered with skinny jeans (any other cut of jeans don't suit me so it's skinny or nothing).

38. When I'm bored and on a long drive I'll try and figure out what different acronyms mean - I'm actually quite good at it.

39. If I'm listening to music, you can pretty much guarantee I'll be dancing along to it if I'm waiting for something. Some people think I'm mental but you'd be surprised how many free drinks that's got me in bars.

40. I really like beer. I could drink it every night if I could but my Mum's constantly paranoid I'm going to end up as an alcoholic.

41. I hate that on social media you only ever find hetero-related stuff about couples, like "If a guy really loves you, he won't let you go." WHAT ABOUT THE LESBIANS?! HUH?! (Also, that kind of thing makes me feel really queazy).

42. I also can't deal with most love songs and rom-coms. I feel like they're so same-y and fake. There are a few that are out of the box and that I do like, but they're few and far between sadly.

43. I really like long debates on things I'm passionate about and I was really disappointed that we never did debating in English while I was in high school.

44. I can distinguish close friends, "meh" friend and acquaintances from what they call me. Close friends generally call me Matt or Matti, "meh" friends generally call me Matti or Matilda and acquaintances call me Matilda.

45. I'm an athiest and don't believe in any god.

46. I really cross-dressing.

47. I love sitting cross-legged. I don't even know why but it's become a habit now!

48. I really want to buy contact lenses so I can wear one brown and the other as my usual blue just to unnerve people when they look me in the eye!

49. I really want to have tattoo sleeves on both my arms. I think as soon as I turn 18 I'm going to be going to a tattoo parlour to get my first tattoo!

50. And finally, I make a really good cup of tea (Mama can testify to that).

I hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about me!

Aller Kiss,
Matti x

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