January/February Favourites | Matti May Hardie

by - 1:16 PM

Hey all,
Hows you?

It's taken me literally 2 months to write this bloody post. You guys have no idea how long it takes to write a favourites post.

The first couple of months of 2016 have been thoroughly eventful! In any case, I've managed to round up a few things I have been loving. I actually have more than I thought I did (I feel like I say that every time I do a favourites post).


I have rekindled my love for eyeliner again. For a while, I was just wearing foundation or concealer and mascara - and I was very happy with that. But then I felt like a change, and one Monday morning I rocked up to college with a sassy little flick and a face mostly courtesy of Urban Decay's 'On The Run' set (review here) and I actually got a lot of compliments on how nice my make-up looked. So, I decided to keep wearing it since it was something different and I do like wearing eyeliner on the quiet, so I kept on and I'm now a pro. Mouahaha. I use the Maybelline "Master Precise" eyeliner and it's totally amazing!

White Converses and Blue Jeans

This just looks effortlessly casual and adorable. Pair it with an untucked white blouse and a leather jacket and you're ready to hit the town. My jeans are from Camaieu and they're actually treggings and the comfiest little buggers on earth. (I can't find them on the website because their website is shite but just keep your eyes open for some treggings because they are amazing and oh so comfy.) Also excuse the ragged, dirty converse. This was taken whilst waiting for the coach to go and see a friend and it was the last chance I had to get this photo.

Urban Decay "Naked On The Run" set

I say this every time I talk about it but look at it!!! It's the prettiest thing on earth. It's totally perfect for traveling too. One week I tested it out and took just this, a foundation and a powder, and I literally did my make-up with no problem all week. You can find the review I did on it here.

Korean Dramas

I was going to try and give a specific one but actually I love every single one I watch and there was probably going to be about 6 and no one wants to hear about that many dramas. Whoops. Dramas are like Korea's version of shows, but shorter and no seasons. Yes, peeps, 20 episode TV shows do exist. It's absolute torture, but my gosh are they good. Certainly, it is a bit of a pain that you have to read the subtitles (I've had to say goodbye to the days of listening to TV shows whilst writing blog posts - though hello writing blog posts on the bus home from school on a Friday, so I made up for lost time... kind of), but you soon get used to it and you also become a pro at it. Though it's so worth it. They're all full of mystery, romance, comedy, thrills, OMG-DON'T-DO-THAT-WHAT-ARE-YOU-ON-YOU-STUPID-CHILD moments - everything you need for a good show. My current favourites are I Remember You and Moorim School in case you wanted to have a little mosey. And let's face it, the actors are rather easy on the eyes, which is always nice.

Chelsea Does...
I found this series from that banner at the top of Netflix talking about their new shows. It follows Chelsea Handler as she explores different subjects like marriage, drugs, racism, that kind of thing. It's really interesting and it's not like usual documentaries, where they just talk and talk, it feels a lot more like a series. I don't know how to explain it but Chelsea makes it a lot more interesting and accessible than a regular documentary.

Barry M "Matte Nail Paint" Nail Varnish in Espresso

I found this nail varnish when Beckii spoke about it. I was intrigued as to what a "matte nail varnish" would look like, so when I went to England I picked it up in Boots and gave it a go. Now I am famous for never finishing a pot of nail varnish myself. Generally my Mum and I share nail varnishes, but this one was strictly off limits to anyone other than me (mouahaha). I'm really close to finishing it which kind of makes my heart hurt since then I won't be able to buy any more because they don't sell Barry M in France *sob*.

This Is Acting - Sia
Sia released her new album! asdqsdzjend
As you'll already know if you've read my blog for a while, Sia is my favourite singer of all time ever. Her songs are just so incredible and amazing and I love them all and she has such an amazing voice and her songs speak to me so much *pants*. So when I heard that she had released a new album, naturally I was elated. I immediately searched for it on Spotify and listened to it. I love this album. It speaks to me so much and the songs are so diverse. One thing that annoys me about artists nowadays is that it can start to all sound the same. But not Sia. You listen to
"Bird Set Free" and "Move Your Body" and it's basically 2 different genres. (Side note: Sia wins the award for the creepiest album cover ever).

Okay I'm going to go now, this post has been longer than I planned.

What have you been loving these past couple of months?

Aller Kiss,
Matti x

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