Some Things I Learnt By 17 | Matti May Hardie

by - 7:02 PM

Hey all, how's you?

God I'm old. This is fun! Next year I'm officially an adult *fist pump* soon my tattoos shall come!

1. Stop trying to hide your freckles. Embrace them! They're so cute!

2. Contour and highlight are real life photoshop and it's wonderful.

3. Talking calmly to someone about something that they're doing that bothers you is never a bad thing.

4. It's okay to not understand your sexuality.

5. Be proud of who you are and everything that you do.

6. It's okay to need to take some time out to not see people. That doesn't make you a bad friend or selfish.

7. Talk to people about things that make you uncomfortable.

8. Lists are good as long as you don't let them rule your life.

9. Writer's block will pass.

10. You're aloud to find your friends mind-bogglingly hot and yet not want a relationship with them.

11. Don't google your symptoms. Google will probably tell you you're dying when you've actually just got a cold.

12. It takes longer than you'd think to built up a circle of people you genuinely would trust with your life.

13. Punctuation is really important. Use it, goddamnit!

14. Just because everyone around you is having sex, doesn't mean that you have to as well. If sex isn't something that attracts you that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you.

15. Literally no one is going to pressure you into taking drugs in high school or college.

16. Eating healthily and having a decent diet reduces anxiety.

17. You can literally listen to whatever music you want. You don't have to stick to one genre. Just because you listen to metal doesn't mean you can't listen to k-pop (speaking from experience).

18. You are absolutely allowed to love with yourself and find yourself attractive.

19. A good handshake shows a lot about someone.

20. Self-love will never break your heart.

As always I hope you guys enjoyed this post and I'll see you next week!

Matti x

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