The Black List #1 | Matti May Hardie

by - 6:18 PM

Hey all,
Hows you?

This is a little thing I have been working on for quite a while, but never really known how to bring it into my content. Then my Mum had found this way, and it works! This is a pilot to see how I can work it so feel free to let me know what you think, what I can do to make it better, what doesn't work, ect... Obviously, this isn't an actual blacklist, that would be cray cray, just to clarify.

I don't know if this has been done before, but I think it's a pretty ingenious idea (thanks Mama! Haha)

Clinique "Superprimer" Universal Primer
One thing you will know if you have read my blog for a while is that I love Clinique. I will recommend it to high heaven, I love it more than anything, it's one my total favorite skincare brand, but I have to say that I was sorely disappointed with this primer. I have been using this primer for quite a while and I think I've only just realised that it's shit! It doesn't make my eyeshadow stay on for any longer, it's quite hard to apply, it's kind of greasy. Bref, it's not a good product. This doesn't mean that I won't buy any other products from Clinique, just not this product.

Olay "Complete Care Touch Of Foundation" Tinted Moisturizer
For this product, this may just be because of my kind of skin, or maybe I'm not putting enough on, but I really do not like this product. It doesn't give any coverage whatsoever, it's quite hard to rub in but what I want to focus on is coverage. My friend gave me this product a couple of months ago because she wasn't using it and thought it suited me. We tried it on to see if it was my colouring and all that and it was. I started using it straight away since I was nearly at a loose end with the BB Cream I had been using (which I funnily enough is next on my list). When we had tried it my friend (and everyone whom we were with agreed) had said that it "showed off my freckles", something which my BB Cream didn't do. I soon realized that as well as showing off my freckles, it was showing off my blemishes, spots and redness. In the end, I was using my BB Cream as a concealer as it helped my hide my spots so much better, and I just used the tinted moisturiser as a base. So yeah, I would never reccomend this to anyone.

Garnier "Miracle Skin Perfector" BB Cream

This isn't quite as bad, but I still want to put it on my blacklist. It's not the actual product itself that I don't like, so much as the application of it. The BB Cream itself is really runny and watery and just generally not easy to apply. Don't like it.

That's all for this month, hope you enjoyed this, as I said before, if you have any ideas or tips let me know either down in the comments or by e-mail. Let me know what's on your blacklist down in the comments.

Aller Kiss,
Matti x

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