15 Things It's Taken Me 15 Years To Figure Out | Matti May Hardie

by - 7:22 PM

Hey all,
How's you?

It's fast approaching my 15th birthday and I'm feeling really nostalgic (I say "fast approaching" but it's on the 22nd of May so... but I'm still feeling nostalgic okay?!) so, to try and stop the depression slowly coming as I realize that I'm leaving childhood and becoming an adult (yes, kids, it happens even now), I felt like doing this little post to remind myself all the things it's taken me nearly 15 to figure out and also just things I've learnt over this decade and a half of living and to try and help you guys that are maybe a bit younger so that you don't make the same mistakes I did!

1.You know that thing you do that you have noticed and now feel like everyone's judging you? Yeah, they're not and they probably haven't noticed it.

2. Reading is one of the best escapism techniques ever.

3. Even though you loath to admit it, you're parents aren't always wrong, but in the same sense, they're not always right either.

4. Violence isn't always the way but it can be useful sometimes.

5. You do you because no one else will be it for you.

6. Following the crowd is easy but boring, being yourself is hard but exciting.

7. It's never okay to wear oxblood Doc Martins with loose fitting jeans.

8. Hand-me-down clothes NEVER look good on you. Ever.(I learnt that the really hard way).

9.When it comes to make-up, beauty gurus are bae. Watch tutorials religiously before even attempting ANYTHING AT ALL.

10. Despite what you think, no one knows what the flip they're doing. No, you're not the only one shockingly.

11. You're an idiot. I'm an idiot. Everyone's an idiot. But some people are better at hiding it than others.

12. Mental illness is not something to be ashamed of.

13. School is fucking boring if you're not in the same class as your best friend.

14. There is no such thing as too many clothes or too much make-up. Ever. As a general rule.

15. Film, pyjama days and pamper days/evenings are the best and most therapeutic things in the world and should be practiced regularly.

And there we have it. What have you learnt over the years? Let me know in the comments :)

Aller Kiss,
Matti x

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