Coming Out | Matti May Hardie
Hey all,
Hows you?
As the blatantly obvious title suggests, this is me, coming out.
I'm extremely tempted to put a gif of someone jumping out of a cake saying "surprise!" but I won't.
I came out to Frances first. She was amazing about it and helped me immensely through the initial process of coming out to my friends and family.
I'd never really understood why people said that coming out was scary, but now I think I get it. It isn't saying the words that's hard or scary, it's the idea that you'd lose someone you love because of it. When you don't give a fuck about the person you're coming out to, it's easy, but if you love and care about that person, and you don't want to lose them, it's terrifying!! I litterally took about 2 and a half months to pluck up the courage to tell my best friend.
I don't want to make this into a "big thing", it's not worth it. I just felt like it wouldn't be fair to not tell you guys.
Matti x