3 Bloggers I Always Go Back To | Matti May Hardie

by - 12:37 PM

Hey all,
Hows you?

I was scrolling through Bloglovin' in the common room the other week and I noticed that there was a pattern forming of blogs I'd always go back to; bloggers who's posts I'll always check and nearly never "mark as read" because I find them uninteresting.

I know I do already do that "My Favourite Bloggers Of The Moment" but for this post I only wanted to talk about bloggers that no matter how long I read their blogs, I always come back for more.

Also, I decided to leave out my blogging friends because I felt like that's a bit bias.

Hannah Gale

Little miss Gale is probably my favourite blogger. Ever since I found her blog on the Bloglovin Popular page about a year and a half ago, I've been addicted. She has a writing style that is amazing and she's so genuine and funny that it makes reading her blog a true pleasure that I just can't compare.


If you know me (or follow me on Pinterest), you'll know that I'm totally obsessed with tattoos. I think they truly can be works of art, obviously with the right artist and design. I was (as usual) frantically searching tattoo ideas. I can't actually remember where I found this blog. I truly am obsessed with this blog since it gives me all sort of ideas of tattoos.

From Roses

I've already spoken about Rebecca's (beautiful) blog. She writes mainly lifestyle type posts, but she also writes about beauty and fashion. Her photos are amazing and I'm constantly in awe of them and her posts are really well structured which makes longer posts easier to read.

I surprised myself actually by only having 3 but I think that's a good number.

Who are your favourite bloggers? Let me know in the comments.

Aller Kiss,
Matti x

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