Originality and Becoming Me | Matti May Hardie

by - 2:18 PM

Hey all,
Hows you?

I've had this blog for nearly 2 years, though I feel like I've had it for about 10. I feel like you've seen me grow and change and figure out who I am (even though I still am figuring that out). I've gone from being very much mainstream and kind of "typical-white-girl-with-a-twist"-esque, to being my own person, with my own style, and incorporating 483648 different styles in there with me.

Those are two photos of me (obviously). The "Before" photo is of me at the start of 2015. The "After" one is a photo of me at the start of 2016. I wanted to put this in to highlight just how much I feel like I've changed in a year.

Not giving a shit is also something I've learnt to do over the first few months of college. I now feel proud to rock whatever the hell I want in town, without worrying what people will think, which is a big step since a year or so ago I struggled going out of the house without make-up on and something decent on. Just yesterday I went to go buy some bread in my pyjamas, about 10 minutes after I had woken up.

I give a lot of the credit to my recent changes to my new friend group college. They guided and encouraged me to be whoever the hell I want to be, dress the way I want and basically giving a middle finger to normality. They taught me how to be out of the box. Or in their words "we guided you on your quest for weirdness and originality".

I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you this incredibly cheesy piece of advise that everyone is probably going to give you at some point in your life, but I'm just going to tell you again because it's that important: be whoever the fuck you want to be. Okay so maybe not everyone is going to be that blatant about it but it's true. You're going to have so much more fun saying what you think, being yourself, doing what you want, dressing in what you like, and not what society tells you is appropriate.

One thing that always held me back from doing what I wanted was what I thought people were going to think of me, how people were going to react and what the people I love were going to think. Then I had kind of a revelation when I read this quote:

Now I'm reminding myself everyday that I can do, be, say and think whatever I like. And to be honest with you guys, I bloody love it. I'm not always worrying about what people think about me, or if they're talking behind my back. If they're talking about me? Great, they'll have something interesting to talk about at least haha.

I'm finally accepting my body as it is. Which is a massive relief off my shoulders. I was always bothered by the fact that I wasn't skinny and tall. I always had a bigger belly than I wanted to and I always felt "fat". I've recently come to understand that, really, I'm just right. Yeah, I get bloated and I sometimes my tummy will jut out like I'm 3 months pregnant, but it doesn't bother me like it used to. It came into contrast when, the other day, I looked at myself in mirror and I said to myself, without thinking, I look good. I never found stick thin girls to be pretty, I've always thought that girls with curves look better. I do have curves. And I'll never be under 9 stone. But really? I can deal with that. 

I think it's so insanely important to take the time to think about and find out what "you" is. You're the only person who can find that out. If you just stick to what everyone else likes because at least you'll be "accepted", you'll probably just end up miserable and bored. Certainly, you'll be accepted, but you'll be accepted into a group of people that you don't really like and will always feel out of place because you have different opinions, interests and thoughts to them. Nowadays, you can always find someone like you. Thanks to the internet, it's become easier than ever to find someone who likes the same thing as you. To quote Taystee from Orange Is The New Black (vaguely) "heck, you could be into cannibalism and you could find someone who's just as into that as you are!" and it's so true. Well, don't be into cannibalism, but, you get what I mean. 

I feel like my generation have really closed up what we are aloud to be. What is socially acceptable because everything is "offensive" or "rude". Creativity and passion are being more and more frowned upon and that's probably a really sad thought. I have a passion for blogging. I have a passion for music. I could go on about Korea and it's culture for ages and ages, and the sad thing is that I feel like no one cares anymore. I'm considered weird for having a passion and wanting to talk about it. No one wants to learn. No one wants to discover. Now it only seems acceptable to know and have already done everything. Experiances are now expected of people. If you haven't had sex after about 16/17 and you're called prude or, and how this has become an insult is beyond me, a virgin. You haven't been clubbing and you're considered lame. You haven't done drugs or drank or smoked and you're considered a loser. People's own beliefs and feelings are no longer considered, everyone just acts like sheep and follows what is supposedly "cool" or what is supposed to be done. I've never liked that. I've never really like popular music ever since I was a kid. When everyone was listening to Rihanna, Taylor Swift and Maroon 5 in 2012, I was leaning towards Rock'n'Roll and Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers. People used to think I was weird because of it. Even now, in France, K-Pop and the stuff I listen to isn't popular. They're all into Black M or Maitre Gims and JUL (that's not going to make any sense to most of you but basically it's a passable version of modern-rap), and I'm here listening to BTS, VIXX and Red Velvet (again, that's not going to make any sense to most of you but it's basically K-Pop). Everyone thinks I'm weird for it (though in my class it's kind of become an endearing thing and everyone thinks it's hilarious seeing my dancing around the salon to BTS), and no one thinks to break out of the bubble everyone's stuck in.

It's the same thing in fashion too. I feel like everyone wears the same thing. You would not believe how many Nike Air Max I've seen at my school alone. Then whenever I wear something out of the ordinary (like when I start walking around in my harem pants, leather jacket and silver creepers), everyone thinks I'm crazy. And I'm kind of tempted to just shout at the "UM NO MY LOVES, I'M NOT CRAZY, YOU'RE ALL BORING" but obviously, you know, I don't. But I'd like to.

So yeah. I don't know what this post was really. I think it was just a way of talking about the fact that people have become fucking boring and don't let themselves like what they actually like because it's not popular. It kind of went all over the place, but I just needed to get all that out there.

The moral of this post? You do you, boo. That's a good moral. I like that.

Aller Kiss,
Matti x

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