8 Things They Don’t Tell You About Coming Out | Matti May Hardie
Hey all, how’s you?
Today I’m talking about LGBT stuff! I has been thinking about it in the shower and decided to make a blog post about it, because there are a lot of things that people don’t tell you about coming out. The more mundane things, and the slightly more negative things too. I get why people don’t necessarily talk about this side of coming out but I still think it needs to be talked about nonetheless.

I’m keeping it just lesbian related because I’m talking about mine and my two other lesbian friends (Chloé and Marion - follow them on Insta, they’re hot) personal experiences.
1/ Coming Out Is A Constant Process
I figured I’d start with the most common one. A lot of people say it but you never actually realise just how true it is until you do come out. To be honest, before coming out, to me I was just going to tell my parents and my best friend (the three I was the most worried about) and then end of. But actually no. I’m constantly coming out to people, and generally people don’t actually, even after a year.
2/ Your Friends’ Boyfriends Will Never Truely Trust You 100%
I mean, they don’t necessarily say it to your face or even ever out loud, but you can feel it sometimes. That’s just a side-effect, sadly. It’s just men, really. They’re generally insecure because they’re convinced you’re going to try and put the moves on their girlfriend.
3/ Gay-dar exists!
I know a lot of people are skeptical about if the gay-dar exists or not. I can guarantee to you that you just know when some people are gay. You can feel it in your bones.
4/ All Lesbians Know Each Other And Everyone’s Connected Through Exes.
You know that theory that everyone’s connected by 7 people or less? Well that’s actually true for lesbians. You’ve either dated the same person or you know that person, and if not, you have a friend who has a friend who knows them, or their ex has a friend that knows them - I mean, you get my gist. It’s actually kind of ridiculous.
5/ You Underestimate The Weight That Lifts Off Your Shoulders After You Come Out
All three of us are adamant on this point. Everyone tells you it’s a weight off your shoulders, but you never realise just how much. It’s not even explainable but trust me that it’s true. You shall see.
6/ Ruby Rose Is So Fucking Hot
I mean this is just a pretty obvious fact. But I had to. It’s so unfair.
7/ You’re Happier Dating Someone After
It’s just easier to date someone. You’re not scared of going on a date for fear of someone you know seeing you, or you’re not scared that someone will go through your phone and see your messages or something like that.
8/ There Will Be Times Where You’ll Question Your Sexuality
It's totally normal to have moments of doubt and times where you think "hold on, am I really *insert sexuality here*? Or am I just delusional and lying to myself and now I'm so stubborn I don't want to admit it to myself?" - when these thoughts come, don't panic. It's fine, you're not alone. And also, lesbians, chill, you're aloud to find guys attractive, and if you want to date a guy? You can date a guy. Your label isn't the be-all and end-all. You can date and speak with whoever you want.
Thanks to my friend Elisa for the photo.
Matti x
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