Homeware Haul | Matti May Hardie
Hey all, how's you?
Now I feel like a blogger! I don't think you can really be accepted into the lifestyle blogger category until you've done a homeware haul.
Anyway, all summer, Mama has been campaigning for me to decorate my room; I wasn't that bothered really but she insisted so I ended up caving. We decided to go the homeware store of all homeware stores in France (other than Ikea) called Maison Du Monde. I don't even know what an English version of that would be but it's basically a massive chain full of really cute homeware that you kind of can't go to without buying something because OMG EVERYTHING'S SO PRETTY! (And they have all the rose gold and copper everything and it soothes my soul, I'm not going to lie)
I also wanted to apoligize for the lack of links to the things but I've now found out that the Maison Du Monde site is shit. I'll keep checking and add them if they add them eventually.

Vintage Chair Jewelry Cup
I've wanted a jewelry cup for ages because generally I wear the same jewelry everyday so it's kind of silly to keep having to put it in my jewelry box every time. And I won't lose them. I constantly lose jewelry it's ridiculous, so hopefully this will help me avoid that.
I just found this damn cute. I have no other reason.
Gold Origami Swan
Again, just damn cute. I need a name for him - any ideas?

Old Fashionned Map Canvas
I've been looking for something to put on my wall for ages (I have a Charlie Chaplin print but it's freaky and I feel like he's looking at me in the dark) and I saw this and was sold. Writing this now I realise I look like I have a bit of a map/globe theme going on don't I?
Round Glass Light Shade
I've never actually thought about buying a light shade. I don't exactly make a habit of staring at my light - come to think of it, I rarely actually use it - but when I saw this I found it really sweet and I kind of couldn't stop myself from picking it up. (I don't yet have a photo of it though - sorry).

Bed Throw
Right, this purchase I entirely blame Dodie from doddleoddle for. She was talking about moving into her new appartment and her new room and, tl;dr, she has bought some bedding and a bed throw that I just found adorable. So I decided to buy one myself. This one's really soft but not too soft (that makes 0 sense I swear to god), and it just thick enough that you can pull it over you on a colder night but not so you feel like you've got a second duvet on top of you.
White Bed Sheets
Mama also decided I needed some new bedding, so we went to the nearesr Gifi (again a french shop that stocks everything from bedding to sextoys to bikes - I wish I was joking, tbh) and picked up some simple white bedding that *kind* of looks like hospital sheets when it's not with-duvet.

Fairy Lights
I have been fighting for fairy lights for about a year now and I've got them! They're so pretty and honestly make my bed so fucking Pinterest it makes me want to weep.
Now my room looks adorable and it literally makes my heart feel all warm and fuzzy. Good.
Matti x
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