Pretty Gay - Homophobic Parents/Family

by - 8:08 PM

I'm really proud of the title of this series. It's my favourite thing ever.

Hello! This is a new series I'm trying out, about everything LGBTQ+, which, for those who don't know, stands for Lesbian Gay Bisexual (yes, BISEXUAL), Transgender, Questioning and the plus is basically the rest of the acronym (LGBTQQIP2AA).

As you guys know, I've been dating a girl since this summer, and her mum is mildly homophobic and I wanted to talk about dealing with a relationship when one or both parents prevent you from seeing your SO.

The first thing you need to know is, in a lot of cases, if that makes your relationship stronger, then you're on the right path. If, however, not seeing your SO is hurting your relationship, then it's probably not meant to be. Saying that, there's always exceptions, but I've noticed that that tends to be the case.

First thing first, if you're both over 18, my first reflex would to be to tell your parents or whoever is preventing you to see each other to fuck off. It takes balls, I'm aware and it's not always possible to do that, but if you can, just gather up your courage and tell them to go fuck themselves.
For under 18s though, I feel you. I'm 17 and my girlfriend is 16 and it's a rather awkward situation. One thing I can recommend to you is to try and find ways to see each other. You need to get creative sometimes, but try and figure out if there are ways that the person can be leniant (if you're in the same class or club at school, use that, school projects or that kind of thing can be perfect). We tend to have to use that excuse with my girlfriend, and even though I loath lying, sometimes you don't really have a choice.

If you can see that the person who is stopping you from seeing each other could be open to talking, try and get you and your SO (or just yourself at first if that's best) to sit down with the person and explain things; it's terrifying, I get that, I've been in that situation and I found that explaining things and being open actually helped. You have to remember that 10 to 1 the person loves you or your SO and to see that you and your SO are happy together, sometimes that's all it takes (in the best case scenario).

I hate that I'm saying this, but I don't have a choice. Sometimes, you just need to keep it a secret. If you or your partner could be in a dangerous situation, keep it a secret! I hate that I have to say this, it makes me so sad but sadly it's the case. Make sure it's safe for the both/all of you before sharing it with people who could possibly bring you harm or problems.

Whatever you do though, you mustn't lose hope. Sometimes you'll find yourself thinking that you'll never see your SO, but believe me, things will be okay.

That's all I have to say on the subject, but if anyone has any opinions or advice feel free to leave it in the comments.

M x

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