A Letter To: My 12 Year Old Self | Matti May Hardie

by - 12:39 AM

Hey me,
How're you managing?

It's been a while, huh? I know the world seems a bit big and scary, but trust me, you haven't seen half of it. I haven't written to you for shit, I've written for you to give you some advice, because my god, you look like you need some!

First things first, about Mum and Dad. Tell Mum to use her brain and leave that hell hole. She doesn't deserve to live like that and nor do you. Her beautiful face is too fragile compared to his hard, unloving fists and her heart is too tender for his harsh words. Then tell her that the next few years are going to be hard, but give her a hug and a kiss from us and always remind her that she can do it. 

Now on to you. You're a sight aren't you? Anger management issues, depression, shit home life, shit school life. Everything's pretty shit, huh? I'm not going to give you some magical words of advice, because to be honest, I don't have any. Even at 14, which seems like such a big age at 12, doesn't it? But yeah, even at 14, I have nooo ideaaa how to do the whole "life" malarky. As I said in my anger management post, some days, I don't even want to get out of bed, because I just feel like crap, and I know that you sometimes feel the same, but just remember that every day you go out to conquer reluctantly, is another day you don't have to face again. I know that doesn't make much sense, but trust me, it's motivation. 

Now, I know the whole "my body is changing someone (preferably who isn't my Mum) help, what the fuck I know fuck, what am I meant to freaking do ahhhh" thing is terrifying, and trust me, it doesn't get better, it goes from being scary to annoying. Yes, one day you're going to wake up with red stuff in your knickers, but you'll get used to it. Yes, once a month you're going to get pissed at everything, but you'll get used to it. Yes, guys are going to break your heart, but you'll forget them. Yes, you'll get crushes and they won't realise your incredible charm (lol jokes), but again, it'll pass. And trust me, you will be played by those muddaf-ing pricks, but just, tip, don't try and hit them or shit, they are bigger and stronger than you, you will lose. I speak from experiance.

Just, try and manage life, even though they're all idiots, and they can't totally change your life. YOU are the one and the ONLY ONE who can totally change your life. (OMG I just had a cringe-attack)

Oh and good idea, the whole starting JustMeMatti, this is the best idea I've ever had :)

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