Sexuality | Matti May Hardie
Hey all,
Hows you?
This is a very difficult and... tricky subject for me to talk about. This is a subject that is very close to my heart and I really felt that I needed to talk about. And that's sexuality.
(Have I got your attention with that big ass gay pride flag?)
I don't know why this subject is so close to my heart, but what with the internet (and Youtube principally) being somewhere with a lot of LGBT people in it, I've grown to really admire the gay community.
My Dad and I were talking about it, and he had said it was unnatural, and that no other species on earth shows gay behavior, so why should humans? I found that unfair, because no other species on earth is like a human, so why is he comparing us to other animals in this case?
Next what happened was that a friend, more like an aquaintance of mine that went to the same school as me and a couple of years older, came out as gay on the stage during the interval of our school production of some random play that no one had heard of. He delivered his speech beautifully and I knew that the look on his face when everyone started clapping when he had finished would never leave me. I knew from then on that I strongly disagreed with my dad's opinions on gay people. In fact, I probably enjoyed the company of LGBT people more than I did strait people. They were much more fun to be around!
I was really happy when I found out that gay marriage had been aloud in over 20 countries, (you can find a map about that here) because I felt like at last, LGBT people were being accepted less as a taboo and more as just normal people with different tastes. I mean, people don't beat other people up just because they don't like the same food or music as you, do they? No. So why should it be different? It shouldn't be.
I find it awful that suicide rates are the highest in LGBT youth. I litteraly can't even fathom that someone would take their life because of their sexuality. Personally, I have been depressed before and sometimes I've had suicidal thoughts, but I know that I'd never had the guts to actually follow through with it. Also, I'm lucky enough to have a mindset where I can kind of temporarily convince myself that it'll be fine, and I don't do anything. I have never tried to commit suicide, and so it shocks me that people actually do it. To me, it's unfathomable.
Personally, I don't like to define myself when it comes to my sexuality. I mean, I'm 14, I'm at a point in my life where I don't know anything for sure, so one of my most used phrases at the moment is "at this point in my life", because I can only tell people what I am now, right now, in this second, so, right now, at this point in time, I'm strait; yet about 2 weeks ago, I was bi. I don't know what will come of the future, who knows? Maybe I'll become a flaming lesbian. I don't know.
Sorry this post has been quite serious, but sexuality is something very close to me and I wanted to speak about it. If you are an LGBTQ teen, who is getting bullyed and isn't doing anything about it and find there's no one to talk to, you're wrong, there are shit-tons of charities and associations and whatnot in place to help you.
In England, there are 2 charities that I know of: Childline and The Samaritans. I haven't had any experience with Childline since they are based in England and you can only get support from them if you are in England, and I live in France, you can find their website here; The Samaritans, however, I can tell you more about. I have been speaking to The Samaritans since the beginning of July. They're a brilliant charity who are basically there to let you know you're not alone; sadly, I do feel it's a little automated, and they're not aloud to give opinions, but they're good if you just want to vent and have a rant, which is often what I want to do (haha), but they ask you a lot of questions, and personally, I find that when people ask me questions, it helps me think and realize stuff I didn't think of before, you can find their website here.
In America, I only know of one that I specialized for LGBTQ teens called "The Trevor Project", I don't know much about this, all I know is that they work on suicide prevention within the LGBTQ teens communtiy; one of their youth innovators is Tyler Oakley, check out my favorite Youtubers post to know what I mean; you can find their website here.
Aller Kiss,
Matti x