The Youtube Scandal | Matti May Hardie
Hey all, how's you?
So recently there's been a shit-ton of allegations made against certain Youtubers (I'm not afraid to name names and it annoys me (personally) when people don't just tell me who the heck they're talking about, so I'm going to name drop as it's no secret), namely Alex Day aka Nerimon, Tom Milsom, EddPlant, and more recently Sam Pepper and Jason Sampson aka Veeoneeye (these are the ones I know of). Alex, Tom and Edd haven't made a video since the allegations first came out earlier in the year and as far as I know haven't made any videos to apologize or tell their side of the story. Sam made a series of video apologies (that in my opinion are bullshit) and Jason also made an unlisted video response.
I wanted to talk about this because I feel like it's getting ridiculous, the thought that content creators on Youtube think they are aloud to rape or have sexual relations with underage fans disgusts me.
I don't get how Youtubers think that it's ok to sexually do anything with an underage fan. It's just wrong and I don't get how they don't see that.
The reason I didn't write this post sooner is because I am a big believer of bad passes and I thought it was a bad pass on Youtube, we would sort it out and we would do our best to carry on.. But this hasn't happened. It's kept on happening. I was a solid fan of Alex when he made videos and I couldn't believe it when the rumors and allegations came out, and when I read more into it and found out there were other people doing it, but I managed to get over it, obviously, I miss his videos sometimes and I'm not afraid of admitting that. But when I was reading more into it, I found out it wasn't the first time; there were allegations a few years ago, and I knew that this wouldn't be the last time either. However, I never expected it to be so soon after.
A couple of weeks ago, Sam Pepper posted a video on his channel called "Fake Hand Arse Pinch Prank". Can you guess what he was doing? The clue's in the name. It erupted and Twitter nearly brimmed over with discontent about it, literally the next morning . He basically had a fake hand in the pocket of his sweater and he used his real hand (that was hidden under his sweater) to pinch girls' bums when they weren't looking. So many people reported it (mainly thanks to the hashtag that trended in the UK #reportsampepper), that Youtube took it down.
Then, yesterday, a girl called Ania made a video saying that Jason (veeoneye), had gotten her drunk and cooerced her into having sex with him when she was just 15 and he was 20 - you can find her video here. I watched her video and I had mixed feelings about it. One part of me said "Well... it was consensual, and it was her choice to drink, he did physically force the alcohol down her throat, did he? So why is she making this video so much of a big deal?" but then another part of me was saying "I can't believe that he would actually do something like that. No matter what he says, it's unacceptable and just plain wrong". I haven't made any comment about the news about Jason publicly, not on Twitter nor on any social media websites, because I think I needed some time to let it sink in and think about how I felt about this. Jason has recently become one of my most looked up to Youtubers. I looked up to him for his freedom and his thoughts on life.
I'm sort of still shell-shocked about it and I just can't quite believe it. Today, I have watched a lot of Youtube videos by certain people on certain Youtubers and to be honest I'm shocked about to what extent this has been going on and how wide spread it was. That mainly appauls me.
The mere idea that Youtubers think they can abuse their power in that way makes me feel physically ill.
I always felt like Youtube was a sort of "safe haven" where people could be themselves and escape from the real world. But in recent times, I've realized that the only place you can truly escape the real world is to sleep, (and even then you don't always manage it), and that Youtube isn't the safe haven I thought it was, and that saddens me deeply.
A lot of big Youtubers like GaryC, Dean Dobbs, Emma Blackery (who was a close friend of Jason's), Luke Cutforth aka Lukeisnotsexy (he was Jason's best friends), Dodie Clark aka Doddleoddle and Bethan Mary Leadley aka MusicalBethan have spoken about it on Twitter mainly.
Sorry this has been a bit rambly and uncoherant but I didn't have a plan for this post, I just wanted to get everything out in the open and on my blog so that everyone knew where I stood. I feel almost thankful that there were only a couple of Youtubers that I looked up to were involved in these scandals (I only watched Jason and Alex. Sam's prank videos didn't interest me, Tom was far too random for me and I don't even know what EddPlant made videos about.)
Thanks for listening and that somehow it helped though I don't know it would have helped, who knows? Maybe it did. If you'd like to hear other people's opinions on all, you can find some of my favorite videos on the subject here and here.
Aller Kiss,
Matti x