Blogging Tips #1 | Matti May Hardie

by - 10:39 AM

Hey all,
Hows you?

I have been blogging for a year and a bit, and over that time I have learnt a thing or two about blogging, content, gaining trafic, photography and such, and I wanted to share my advice with you guys.

Blog Posts
1. Blogging Tips Are Your New Bible
I find that the best way to get better at blogging is to learn from other people. I have an entire collection dedicated to them on Bloglovin' and I read them religiously. It helps because it's rarely the same thing twice.

2. "(Insert Number Here) Blog Post Ideas" Are Your Best Friend
I often have periods where I have total writers block and it drives me crazy! In those cases, I spend my time pouring over them

Gaining Traffic and Friends
1. Get Bloglovin'
This isn't a sponsored post, before you get all up in arms about it, I just really do like Bloglovin'. You can put blog posts in collections (check my Bloglovin' here) and to be honest, I'm more likely to keep reading a blog if you have Bloglovin', since I prefer to be able to follow you there. It's just an easier way of sorting out blogs and a lot of people prefer that.

2. Join Facebook Groups
This is one of the easiest ways to not only gain traffic but also blogging friends and opportunities. You only need to search "Blogger Opportunities" on Facebook and you get countless groups. Most of them are closed but usually everyone gets added. On there, people can advertise giveaways, when they need bloggers, and sometimes small companies will advertise jobs and sponsorships on there.

3. Hashtags Are Bae
Hashtags are the best way for other people who are following you on social media to find your blog. I try (when I say try I mean I do it when I remember) to use the hashtags #bblogger and #lblogger.

1. It's Okay To Use Stock Photos
Some people will tell you that you should never use stock photos. But in my opinion, they're wrong. When you're starting out and you have a shitty camera, stock photos are a good way to have good quality, Tumblr-ish photos. Saying that, too many will make you look lazy. Try and take your own photos whenever you can. My favourite stock photo providers are Death To The Stock Photo, Unsplash and Stokpic (and they're all free, bonus). I even have an entire folder dedicated to stock photos.

2. Use Natural Lighting and Avoid Flash At All Costs
If I see another person using taking a photo using the flash, I think I'mma gonna scream! I'm going to refer you to a post by Kayleigh from the blog Couture Girl because she explains it wonderfully and I'm rubbish at explaining photography - here is the post.

1. If You Don't Like What You're Writing, Stop and Delete The Post
Sometimes in blogging, there are posts that go around, and you feel like so any people are doing it, you should too. But what's the point if you don't give a fuck? Only write about posts that you want to write.

2. Don't Delete Old Blog Posts Because They're Cringey
I know that sometimes, you'll find yourself reading some of your earliest posts and you think to yourself "what was I thinking?! Why did I think that was a good idea?!" but accept that that is a part of your blog and it happened. It's fine.

Growing an Audience
Connect on Social Media
Social media is very underrated when it comes to blogging. Connecting with your audience on Twitter is the best way to make sure people come back to read your blog again. Plus, it's a great way to make friends!

Aller Kiss,
Matti x

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Stock photos were used in this post

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