Germany - Day 6 | Matti May Hardie

by - 1:27 PM

It's Saturday - the last day! I woke up at 11am, her Mum had bought pretzels and really nice breakfast stuff, and fabulous mango and litchi tea (that I bought 2 boxes of). Then I spent most of the morning packing.
We did some errands and Janina's mum bought me a bracelet and I picked up the tea and a couple of other things I wanted to bring back to France with me.

We skipped lunch and went directly home to quickly grab my suitcase and say goodbye to Janina's step-dad and sister and do one last check to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything. Then it was off to the airport.

To make a long story short, everyone started crying apart from me. I hugged Janina way too much and even her Mum cried. Then back to France on the plane.

My friend's parents came to pick me up and drop me off at the meeting point for my Dad to come and collect me. We went straight to the restaurent for dinner.

I spent the rest of the evening watching Britain's Got Talent (and making the most of the fact that my Dad has English TV haha)

And there we have it! My week in Germany is over! I hope you guys enjoyed my little series. Maybe I'll do it again next time I go off on my travels ? ;)

Matti x

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