May/Juin Favourites
Hey all, hows you?
Now, I'm aware that this post is rather late, but I couldn't not post it because I don't think I've had this many favourites for ages!
As I mentioned in a previous post, I’m trying to teach myself Korean, as you do. I’m always looking for sites that can help me learn some vocab, but also grammar points so that I can actually form a sentence because that’s always nice. I was having a little look around and found this really cool website (with the coolest name haha) and now I’m trying to learn some new vocab thanks to this website.
Mama had told me about this series a while ago, but, being totally consumed by Korean dramas, I hadn’t really considered looking into it. But the other day, after reading an article about how many cigarettes Cillian Murphy (who plays Tommy Shelby in the series) had smoked whilst playing the character, I decided to watch the first episode and enjoyed it, but didn’t watch anymore for a reason I can’t remember. Then, last Saturday, I was doing my make-up and decided to pop something on so that I could watch something (downside to watching dramas are that you have to read the subtitles so in turn, it’s impossible to multitask whilst watching it) aaaaand now I’m addicted. I’ve just finished season 1 in my dorm room and this weekend Mama and I are going to start on season 2 together. It’s set in post-war Birmingham and follows the story of the “Peaky Blinders” gang, consisting principally of the Shelby brothers.
I was looking for a photo for my k-pop blog and came across this blog through a photo on it. It’s written by an Australian radio DJ who has a radio show where he plays exclusively k-pop and decided to create a blog to go along with the radio show (also called Kpopalypse). His humour is very sarcastic, but that’s my favourite kind of humour so it was right up my street. So if you’re into k-pop and aren’t easily offended, go and have a look at this blog because he makes me laugh so much!
Liquid eyeliner

I have a really bad habit of sticking with one type of make-up product if I like it. I don’t even bother looking for anything else. For eyeliner, it was always going to be felt-tip liner. I’d tried liquid eyeliner when I was younger and a lot more inexperienced and had had a really bad experience with it, so I decided that I would never bother trying again. But my felt-tip liner ran out recently, so I reluctantly grabbed the liquid eyeliner my cousin had given to me and that had been lying around, neglected, since last summer. With a bit of fiddling, it looked really good. I actually almost preferred it looked compared to the felt-tip liner. I would tell you guys what liquid eyeliner I use but the packaging is so worn that I don’t actually know.
Game Of Thrones
Game Of Thrones

Game. Of. Fucking. Thrones people!! I'm so happy I finally got on that bandwagon! My friend Marion got me started on this series. I'd always wanted to watch it, but I'd just never gotten around to watching it. Then Marion started watching it and I thought "fuck it" and downloaded the first 2 seasons. Then I got through the first season in one weekend... So I downloaded up until the season 4... and then finished season 2 in a week. Long story short, I finished 6 seasons in 2 months, give or take seeing as I had exams and stuff like that, so let's say a month and a half. You see my problem?! You see why I never get anything done?! So yeah, go watch it, it's amazing and everyone dies. You'll love it. Valar Morghulis! (500 brownie points to those who understand what that means).

I’m trying to use different products that I haven’t used in an age at the moment, and to rediscover some old favourites, and out of it came this little gem - it’s from Beauty Success (a french makeup shop) and it’s in the shade N°1 Nude Mat. It’s a really nice pinky nude with some peachy, corally tones in it too and it’s perfect to just whack on every day, seeing as sometimes you can get sick of Kate Moss 107 every single day of the year. The only thing I could fault it for is its texture which is a bit oily for my tastes, and also makes it a bit impractical for applying it as it’s best to layer to get the best colour payoff possible.
Trigger warning: stationery porn. Look at it! It’s so pretty I could cry! I mean when Mama told me she had gotten me a notepad with parrots on it, I was… unimpressed to say the least. But actually they’ve grown on me (I have yet to name them, feel free to propose some names in the comments). Plus it’s perfect for blog post prepping and everything surround my blogs.

Charm Bracelet
This was a birthday present from Mama, and it’s super pretty. It’s like a Pandora bracelet but a lot less expensive (I do not have the money to justify spending 40€ on a charm). I only have three charms for the moment but I plan on buying other ones at specific times (after my exams, at Christmas, those kinds of things). Sadly, I can't link it because my Mum bought it at her work and they don't have a
Hair Oil
I’ve always been afraid of using oil. I’m always scared that I’m going to use too much and I’m going to end up disgusting and oily and that’s not my thing. Anyway, I’ve always been afraid of using hair oil because I was worried I was going to use too much and make my hair really greasy and oily so I’d try to stay away . Then I tried this oil and it totally changed my opinion. It makes my hair look so much more healthy and nice and it makes my hair actually wearable instead of this lump of hay sitting on my head. Though I'm afraid I can't find a link to it anywhere, but if you stumble upon this and your hair needs a bit of encouragement, pick it up. You can thank me later.
That's all for this month, what have you been loving over these past two months?
Matti x
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