The Younger Years (This Is Humiliating) | Matti May Hardie
Hey all, how's you?
I can't believe I'm writing this. Why, did I think this would be a good idea?
My posts have been rather serious of late, and I had been looking high and low for something a little more upbeat. Last night, I re-read Nicole (at Thrifty Vintage Fashion - look her up, she's amazing)'s post, '10 Embarrassing Photos Of My Childhood'. So I had a little route around and couldn't see much of interest - until, that is, I remembered I had a Dropbox account that I no longer ever use, but that I did use a lot when I was younger (I'm talking iPod era - circa 2012/13). I decided to have a little search there, and I was in no way disappointed! I decided it would be a nice little mid-week post for you guys, so here are 6 photos of my childhood, ranging from 2012 to 2014 - enjoy!

Jesus, this is probably the oldest photo I have of me that is accessible to me. This is the good old "don't look at the camera and pretend to be sad about something". I remember falling in love with this photo because I'd found a way to just having me in black and white and apparently I thought that was the best thing since sliced bread.
Also, can we just take a moment to discuss the hair? Right, let me explain something - I have a lot of hair. I always have had this thick mop of hair and even if the hairdressing thinned the living daylights out of it, I feel like it would always just come back within a day. Another point that's probably useful to add - my Dad cut my hair until I was about 14, so for most of this post, you're going to see my hair being either stuck to my head or practically 80s style and I don't think there's any inbetween.

A bit older here, I'm probably about 13, and every time I see this photo I want to punch myself in the face, whilst asking myself "did you have to be such a cringy child, Matti? What's with that half-ass smile, anyway?!". So here I'm sporting... well... kind of the same thing I wear now, in Autumn; white, long sleeved top and a leather jacket (I actually still have and wear that jacket and it fits me perfectly to this day which I kind of depressing when you think that I bought it when I was 12, isn't it?). I can't even think of what I'm wearing as trousers but probably some shitty, cheap jeans and some fake, 20€ converses. With this, I'm wearing what looks like 50 necklaces. I could actually tell you where I got each necklace from, though I couldn't tell you why I'm wearing that ring on the necklace, though. Probably wanted to be original, didn't I?

I think I'm trying to look sexy here, which is weird. You're 13, child, you have no need to be sexy, babe, plus, you're not, so stop trying. I can even remember taking this photo, though! I thought my hair looked half decent so I decided to take some photos, plus, for some reason it was cool that my jacket was hanging off my shoulder.

What... Am... I... Doing. In what world is that pose a good idea? Also, I'm ashamed of that outfit. Denim waistcoat, white vest and, it wouldn't surprise me, a pair of dark coloured jeans - *inhales sharply* double denim!

If you just ignore the stupid look on my face, but look at my hair! Look at that mop! There's so bloody much of it! I'm sporting a jacket that I have no idea where it went, but it's a shame because it's the most comfortable jacket ever. Oh well.

Right, story time. My godmother has this dog, his name is Benson. Benson is a loveable idiot-type dog. And sometimes, when he wants some attention and love, will come and sit on you. I decided to document it. I hadn't long woken up, as you can see from the hair and all the make-up down my face.
I'm sorry I couldn't find more, but actually, by the time I was 14, it stopped being as humiliating. Though the weirdest thing for me is seeing me with my natural colour.
I'm sorry I couldn't find more, but actually, by the time I was 14, it stopped being as humiliating. Though the weirdest thing for me is seeing me with my natural colour.
I hope you enjoyed this fun little post as much as I wanted to punch myself in the face!
Matti x
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