Blogging Tips: PR Tips And Working With Brands
1/ Don't Be Scared To Reach Out To Brands
The best plan is to just reach out to them if you want to. Just try and remain in your bracket. If the brand you want to work with has, say 24k followers on Twitter and you have 20, it's safe to say that they're not going to notice you. When you're still a fairly small blogger, try searching Twitter for startups that could be interesting to collaborate with or even just to get your name out there so *maybe* they'll think of you next time they launch a campaign.
2/ Brainstorm Possible Posts Before Contacting Them
One mistake I made when I started contacting brands, because this didn't occur to me for some reason, is that they expect you to already have some post ideas for them. In my mind, I thought they'd say 'okay we want you to do this and this in exchange for this' so I was taken aback slightly when they asked me for what posts I was thinking of writing.
3/ Etsy Shops Are Hard Nuts To Crack
Despite what you would think at first, Etsy stores are seriously uncooperative. I mean, some are absolutely lovely, but they're few and far between. Some people are lovely (like the shop I collaborated with a while ago), but most just don't bother replying. I may have sent about 30 shops some messages and I only got a couple of replies, and that ended up being just one collaboration, so don't hold out to get too many responses.
4/ Get Yourself A Media Kit
I've decided that media kits are essentials if you want to collaborate with brands. It's so useful, I have a post about that here.
5/ Mention/Thank The Brand On Your Social Media
If a brand has sent you something, it's always nice to just say thank you over social media. Especially if it's a start-up brand then they'll probably be glad for the extra publicity. Plus, it's just nice innit.
I hope you enjoyed this post and that it helped any newer bloggers out there. Bloggers! If anyone have anything extra to add, do share in the comments.
Matti x
Great tips and very useful at this moment for me. Happy Holiday:)
I always find collaborating so hard! Especially as I am not interested in beauty or fashion. I think that the most important tip is to accept that not every brand will want to work with you xx