Germany - Day 1 and 2 | Matti May Hardie

by - 4:45 PM

Hey all,
Hows you? 

Even though I decided against vlogging the Germany trip, (I can't quite bring myself to start talking to a camera in front of most of my class mates haha) I still wanted to have a record of it and be able to look back over it when I'm old and grey. This wasn't actually day 1 but Saturday and Sunday weren't worth talking about. The only important thing that happened was that the airline (Lufthansa I'm looking at you!) FORGOT MY SUITCASE IN FRANCE. Really. 

I've started on the second full day simply because I didn't do anything on the first day. I woke up at about 11, mooched around the house for a while, borrowed some of Janina's sister's clothes (since the airline hadn't yet sent my suitcase so I was without clean clothes and she offered to lend me some stuff since we were the same size), then me and Janina went to Moosburg town center because there was a medieval festival going on there so all the shops were open. Turns out it was crap but still, it was an experience. (I forgot my iPod whilst visiting so I didn't get chance to take any photos of Moosburg, but I will take some if I get chance.

Day 2
Monday mornings in Germany are just as painful as in France, I've discovered. We got up and dressed and left for 7.30pm, and we had to ride our bikes to school (which was interesting and extremely funny for Janina, less for me as I can't ride a bike to save my life - well maybe not that bad but I'm really bad at it! 
Once at school, Janina left for her first class whilst I (and the other french kids) had a tour of the school. The school is insane (in a good way) - for real. Then we went to our classes and had German and English (fun fun fun! To be honest, I didn't actually hear all that much English during the English class and way too much German in the German class haha). 

We went for lunch in the cafeteria, it was really nice yet simple. We went off after that to go and visit a town called "Landshut" (pronounced Lands-hut). It was super pretty, and we were meant to be visiting the castle and the church though, but the teachers all wanted coffee too badly so we only visited the church (which was beautiful - but still just a church, sadly, I've been in so many churches in my lifetime that it was quite a same-old feeling) and then we were let off to do some shopping! 

I bought this gorgeous handbag at A&C  for 15€ which, even though it did hurt my budget, I'm in love with and just KNEW I had to buy it as soon as I saw it.

We went home after that on the train and Janina came to pick me up from the station and we went with my friend Loïck and his correspondent, Valentin, to a nearby sports area thing and we hung out there for a while (which was really nice - one of the disadvantages of living in rural France is that you can't just call on your friends) then we went home. 

Sadly, I fail to recollect what happened after that. I do remember trying a German drink called "Spätsi", it's a mix of coke (the drink not the drug obvs) and orange flavouring - ITS SO GOOD!!!! I've literally taken some back to France with me. Really. 

(Quick shoutout to my lovely friend Oriane who took a lot of the photos in this post (yes I made the most of her fancy, good quality DSLR camera and her photography skills haha, no shame) and she was kind enough to send them to me - lot of love for her <3)

Sorry about the massive amounts of photos but that town was just the cutest!

Matti x

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