Germany - Day 4 | Matti May Hardie

by - 12:21 PM

Another dawn, another day in Moosburg.

We had classes all morning until 1 (in Germany they only have classes until 3.30pm at the latest). It was very boring, since it was all in German, so we (my friend, Coline and I) basically spent the entire time sleeping. The only class I actually tried in was music (the music teacher is the most epic guy ever - I want a french version of him as my music teacher not gonna lie) where they were learning about punk rock (something I could actually participate in since I'm English and quite well informed in punk rock-related stuff).

We went home, had some lunch and some internet time. Then Janina's best friend, Helene and her correspondent, Elin came over and we went into Moosburg town center to get some ice-cream (German ice-cream is the best ice-cream on earth). 

Then we went to this river bank thing and drank Spätsi until just before it went dark.

On a bit of a soberer note, I went a little downhill at the end. I ended up shouting at Elin and having to walk off because I was about to have a rage attack and the anxiety and anger was building up in my chest. Then I nearly had a panic attack because I couldn't breath but I managed to calm myself down. That's what's annoying with my anxiety/rage/general mental illness. I can't even go a week without getting stressed or anxious or angry. I feel really disappointed in myself, because I let myself down, I couldn't control it and I should be able to by now. 

We went to a barbecue at Helene's house that evening and then hung out at her's until about 8.30pm. I rang my Mum and had a little cry about it, and told her everything, because I need my Mama. Then I rang my Dad and made sure he was fine. I decided to have a shower because it was been really warm that day and I had been sweating. 
To make myself feel better, I decided to have a little OITNB binge. I felt better after that.

Sorry there's next to no photos on this blog post but I'd already shown you the school and I forgot to photograph Moosburg. Sorry guys!

Matti x

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