When You Don't Feel Good Enough In Your Own Skin | Matti May Hardie

by - 11:38 AM

Hey all,
Hows you?

We all get it. Those times when you look at yourself in the mirror before or after a shower or just generally when you look at yourself naked, and you can't help but say "I look like shit". We've all said it. Whether we've put on some weight, bloated or whatever, we've all looked at ourselves and thought that we don't look our best. 

I do it too. I have a full length mirror right next to my shower, and everytime I have a shower, I make myself look at myself, fully naked. I've been doing it for about a year now. At first it was to stop myself being so awkward being naked. There was a point where I couldn't look at myself naked, and it annoyed me thoroughly. Then, slowly it was also so that I could accept my body for what it was, and eventually, I was able to look at myself in the mirror and feel beautiful. 

I was inspired to write this post after reading this post about Boudoir photography and it really inspired me because I've always been interested in modeling and to be honest, it wouldn't bother me to pose naked. I feel like it adds major vulnerability to the photo and it really can make a shot.

A million people have said it a million times, society has morphed what women think they have to look like to be beautiful. They either have to be stick thin, or perfectly curvy (like, Christina Hendricks curves). There is no inbetween. And I don't know about you guys, but I'm inbetween!

People can say anything they want, but in my opinion, you can't be universally found beautiful or attractive (except maybe Ruby Rose or Cara Delevingne). It just doesn't happen. Everyone has their own tastes (for example, Mama (crazy as she is) doesn't find Ruby Rose or Cara Delevingne attractive (I don't know how she does it)). Just because some people don't think you're attractive doesn't mean they're right.

I think another problem is that if you feel beautiful and are open about that, you're told you're shunned for that too. So no matter what you do you're going to get criticised. Which kind of makes me think: is it worth worrying about what other people think about you then? I think no. Because you're never going to please anyone ever. So do, say, eat, make, write, play, be whatever the fuck you want. Because really the only one affected by that is you.

What are your thoughts on the matter? Let me know as I'm always interested in hearing people's different opinions.

Also, a massive thank you to the amazingly talented Yasmine for the photos in this blog post, you can find her Youtube channel here. She makes the most amazing and beautiful videos ever and I just... I don't know why she doesn't have more subscribers, okay?! I just don't get it! So go and subscribe and tell her I sent you!

Matti x

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