10 French Stereotypes | Matti May Hardie

by - 4:33 PM

Hey all, how’s you?

There are stereotypes for everyone. French, Italian, English, American, Asian, Jamaican; you name it, there’s a stereotypes for it. I don’t endorse these stereotypes, but I decided to ask around my English friends and on my social media, and also use stereotypes I know myself or that I had when I came to France, to put together this fun little mid-week post to fill you guys in on if the stereotype is true or not.

Also, I'm going to link anyone who helped me with this post with a link to their blog/Youtube/social media.

1/ Everyone smokes and drinks
Ehe… *scratches back of head awkwardly* okay I’ll give you this one. A large portion of the french population does smoke, and heavily, too. And everyone drinks from quite a young age. Yay, health!

2/ They eat bread at every meal
Again, I’ll give you this one. Bread is very popular and very good, too, which doesn’t help. When you first get here, you fall into this habit of eating bread with everything. Heck, I know someone who's dad eats bread with pasta. I shit you not, pasta. But then as you get into living here you don’t eat quite as much as at first.

3/ Everyone listens to accordion music
Even though accordion music is pretty popular amongst the older generation, but teenagers tend to listen to shit rap music instead. If you’re interested in extending your knowledge of shitty music from around the world, there’s Jul, Black M and Maitre Gims. I so hope you don’t enjoy it because it’s truly terrible. More decent artists are Fauve, BigFlo et Oli and Tryo.

4/ Every woman is hot as fuck and dressed insanely well and basically perfect (Frances)
Hell nooooo! It’s actually rare to find a genuinely beautiful, well dressed woman, sadly (at least where I live).

5/ All the guys are charming and want to sweep you off your feet (Ellie)
Again - hell nooo! Most guys are just generally unkempt and unattractive. It's catastrophic, really.

6/ Everyone is really elegant when they talk
Possibly one of the most ironic stereotypes. The French language in itself is, in fact, very beautiful, but most of the time, given the shitty accents most people have (other than Parisians), it's anything but attractive. It sounds a bit like when you're ill and have shit at the back of your throat and you're trying to cough it up. You can thank me later for the lovely mental images I've just given you.

7/ Everyone has a bike and rides around shouting "oui oui baguette" with stripy tops on. (Fran)
... Do-uh, do I actually have to say that that's not true?

8/ Everyone's good at cooking (Summer)
I mean, it's half true. A lot of people are good at cooking, but not all people. I know people who have burnt ready-meals before so you know, give or take.

9/ All men have long and thin moustaches. (Jago)
Surprisingly few men have facial hair. Moustaches are a rare thing, to be honest.

10/ Everyone is rude
I'll give you that because it's something that I really hate about French people is how closed and rude people are. There's a reason I get so cross when I'm outside.


There we have it! 10 French stereotypes that I have come across. I actually really enjoyed writing this, it was awfully amusing. Thank you to the lovely people who contributed to this post, do check them out because they're great and generally lovely people.

Matti x

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  1. I am guilty of believing a few of these stereotypes, thanks for correcting me though! xx
