10 Things That Happen When You Go To College | Matti May Hardie
Hey all, how's you?
I've been at college for a year now, and I wanted to tell those of you who are starting this year what you've got to look foward to in September.

1/ You Get Really Good At Fitting A Lot Of Things In Small Spaces. Lockers are small, so if you have a joint locker, you need to be able to fit all your bags in! You then become a master of real-life tetris.
2/ Your Phone Charger Lives In Your Bag. With an iPhone? Your battery will probably last you the morning, so taking your phone charger with you to charge it up throughout the day becomes a must.
3/ Sleeping In The Common Room Is A Regular Practise. What? You’ve got to catch up on your sleep sometime! Pretty fast after you start at the college, you won’t think twice about having a little nap on the sofa with you earphones in.
4/ You See New People Everyday. I swear I will notice someone I’ve never seen before in my entire life every single day, no joke.
5/ You Learn The True Meaning Of Bored. Trust me, when you have the whole morning of free period and nothing to, I can assure you that you get bored very quickly!
6/ If You're Boarding, You Get Amazing At Packing A Suitcase. Especially when you decided to start packing at midnight on Sunday night, only to resume on Monday morning. You will forget everything for the first few weeks.
7/ A Good Playlist Is Vital. Decent music and a good pair of headphones are essential. You'll always have free periods somewhere or another so having something good to listen to is very important.
8/ Theft Is A Real Thing And It Could Happen To You! You'll always think 'ohh, weeell, you know, they always talk about it but it probably won't happen to me' - yes it does! It happens to everyone!
9/ You'll Have Friends Spread Out Across The Entire School. And they'll all be in different sections to you.
10/ You Realise That General Knowledge and Knowing Random Facts Is Good. Your teachers will think better of you if you have interesting things to bring to the class. You're in with the big kids now.
Good luck to all starting new schools next week.
What did you learn when you started college?
Matti x
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