5 Shows You Need To See On Netflix | Matti May Hardie
Hey all, how's you?
I'm a self-confessed Netflix addict. I spend most of my time with something on in the background, even if I'm not always listening, it's nice to have something I can just listen to. I wanted to share with you guys my favourite shows on Netflix.

I mean... I shouldn't really need to add this, but I thought I would anyway because it's Friends. It's a fucking cult show and it's hilarious and it's so easy to just get lost in these people's lives. I want to take my hat off to the writers - they bloody know how to write a show!
Peaky Blinders

I don't even remember how I got into this show, but what I do know is that it's bloody great. It's the story of the Shelby brothers, and their business and about how the police are trying to stop them and all the things they do in order to get rid of the police. I'm explaining it really badly, but it's really interesting and gripping.
Sons Of Anarchy

I have, technically, already watched this show before I got Netflix, but I didn't really watch it properly, seeing as I was half asleep most of the time, so I decided to watch it again. It's about a motorbike gang called the Sons Of Anarchy and their business. They've got a lot to do with drugs and contraband and all the illegal type things, and amid all that, Jax, member of the gang and step-son of the president, is having to deal with being a new father and juggle between father, motorbike gang member and actual human. It's very dark and slightly like GOT, by that I mean that they're quick to pull the trigger, if you know what I mean.
Orange Is The New Black

I really don't need to talk about this forever and a day, do I? This is probably one of the most famous Netflix series there is. For those of you who have been living under a rock for the best 5 years, it's about a woman called Piper Chapman who goes to prison for drug smuggling back when she was dating her then-girlfriend, Alex. Shit goes down, to say the least. I don't really want to go into it too far because I'm going start giving some major spoilers, but just go and watch it it's amazing! *clears throat* not at all a fan.
Downton Abbey

Possibly one of the most English things ever, Downton Abbey is possibly the most addictive show ever. You don't expect it to but there are loads of old-school dramas going on and once you start you kind of can't stop. It's about the Crawley family (Earl and Countess of Grantham (Robert and Cora), their three daughters, Sybil, Mary and Edith, and the Earl's mother and a couple of their distant relatives, namely the Robert's cousin Isobel and her son Matthew, and then later on the Robert's sister, Rosamund and his second cousin, Rose), that lives in Dowton Abbey in Yorkshire between 1912 and 1925.

Well this isn't on Netflix as far as I know, but I just needed to spread the love. Ellie has been telling me about this show for months and she finally managed to convince me to watch it - let's just say that from the first episode I was hooked. It's about a barrister called Martha Costello (who is bloody brilliant), who has applied for silk (basically that means they come members of the Queen's Counsel - a high regarded position that is quite difficult to get). The first season is basically her and her collegue Clive who has also applied for silk competing to get silk and following different cases that they are involved in. And it's so bloody addictive and I couldn't not talk about it.
What are your favourite shows?
Matti x
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