Freshlook "Colourblends"Coloured Contact Lenses Review | Matti May Hardie
Hey all, how's you?
For my birthday, one thing that was on my list was coloured contact lenses. I'd only ever briefly thought about them seriously before this year when my friends Marion and Gaëlle bought contact lenses, and I was like 'hmm, this is cool, I'd like to try that'. I was thinking about what kind of colour I could get and what really helped me decided what colour contact I wanted was my favourite book 'The Lost Art Of Keeping Secrets' by Eva Rice (I've already spoken about this book here). One of my favourite characters of the books, called Harry, has one blue eye and one brown eye, and I'd always found that really cool.
For my birthday, one thing that was on my list was coloured contact lenses. I'd only ever briefly thought about them seriously before this year when my friends Marion and Gaëlle bought contact lenses, and I was like 'hmm, this is cool, I'd like to try that'. I was thinking about what kind of colour I could get and what really helped me decided what colour contact I wanted was my favourite book 'The Lost Art Of Keeping Secrets' by Eva Rice (I've already spoken about this book here). One of my favourite characters of the books, called Harry, has one blue eye and one brown eye, and I'd always found that really cool.

Long story short, my friend kindly bought them for me for my birthday, so we had a look on the internet but the website I wanted to buy them from didn't ship to France *sob* and didn't want to buy something I'm putting in my eye just anywhere, so we decided to go to the opticians in town and see if they sold correction-less contact lenses. Turns out they did and so we picked some up. I got the Freshlook 'Colourblends' contacts in the colour 'Brown'.
I've just finished my first month using them, so I thought I was pretty qualified to tell you guys about them; plus I had really enjoyed using them and I wanted to share them so that if any of you were looking for a good place to buy contacts, I wanted to share the love.
Right, onto the actual contacts. They come in loads of different colours but I chose brown as I've already explained. At first, like most contacts I suppose, they're a bit uncomfortable and it felt, to me, like I had something in my eye, which, obviously, I did, but like that something wasn't actually meant to be there, if that makes sense. You do get used to them after a while though, it took me about a week of wearing them every day to get used to them, and once you get used to them it's like they're not even there.
One thing I want to tell you is that you need to put the contacts in before you apply any eye make-up! I've already tried after and I got a bit of make-up under the lense and it made my eye water so much most of my make-up came off. Also make sure you wash your hands with soap when putting them in or taking them out as any little particle of dust or anything that could be left on your finger could really damage your eye and make it all rather uncomfortable.

Though I do just want to warn you that if the blurriness and not being able to see properly last over a longer period of time then you should go and see the opticians because you could cause damage to your eyesight.
As for the colour payoff, they look great from afar. Close up, you can see my natural eye colour next to my pupil, but really I think that makes it even cooler as it makes my eye look even weirder than they did before!

In the box, there's two contacts (*Snape's voice* obviously) and a little box for the contacts. As for the solution, I use the iWear "Easywear All-In-One" contact solution. I put that in the little box for the contacts, to keep them clean, I change that every time I put the contact or take it out to make sure that there isn't any dirt in the solution or on the lens.
Have you used the Colourblend contacts before? What did you think about them?
Matti x
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