A Guide To A Down-Day | Matti May Hardie
Hey all, how's you?

We all get them. Those days when you don't really have the motivation to get out of bed, and if you do it's to move to the sofa, with the duvet. You don't really know what to do, you hate yourself for not eating all the chocolate and carbs, but then if you do you'll hate yourself because you're a fat bitch and no wonder nobody loves you. Your anxiety is flying out of control and you're convinced all your friends are plotting against you and you don't quite want to go online because everyone is more successful than you, but you don't want to watch TV because everyone's an idiot and you want to slit everyone's throat, but you're bored just lying there, and you can't get to sleep because your brain keeps thinking things you don't want to think.
Life's fun, isn't it?
Today, my loves, I am going to try and give you a guide to how to make yourself feel better on these kinds of days. I hope this helps!
First things first, you're going to get your duvet and go and veg out on the sofa, or if you're lucky and have a TV in your room, stay in bed. Then, go and find yourself some food. My food of choice for a down day are instant noodles - they're quick and you don't need much effort, what more could you want, tea (I chose ice tea because it's really freaking hot) and toast.

Then, proceed to eat said noodles in your chosen nook and watch the one film or TV series that will never fail to make you laugh. I have both a film and a series, the film is a Korean film called 'Twenty' and the series is a classic - F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Who doesn't love Friends, right?
Next, tea. If you don't like tea, then any other kind of hot drink. Grab a biscuit or a piece of cake or something sweet because why the hell not, no one cares at this point.
Spend the afternoon curled up, like a lil' sushi and let yourself be totally unproductive. Don't pressure yourself to post that video or that post; don't force yourself to call or message your friends and family; and don't you even dare try and look at that to-do list/bullet journal (in my opinion, bullet journals are very helpful, but they're not very helpful for when you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed).
If you have a significant other, then get them to make you both dinner, and then whack on a good film and snuggle.
Try and get an early night if you can, because you're not going to be of much use for anything else, other than being a sushi.
If you're reading this and you're having a bad day - fighting!
Matti x
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