Cup Of Tea And A Catch Up #2 | Matti May Hardie

by - 12:47 PM

Hey all,
Hows you?

One of my very first posts on this here blog was a post called "Cup Of Tea And A Catch-Up" where I just chatted about what I'd been up to and I miss being that. Just catching up with you guys, letting you know what I'd been up to, so I thought that's exactly what I'd do today. So grab a cup of tea and a piece of cake or whatever beverage and/or snack you desire and enjoy!

As I'm writing this, I am in England and I have been for about a week now. I stayed with my uncle (well, he's my second-cousin or something like that really, but I've been refering to him as my uncle for as long as I can remember, and up to the age of about 13, I didn't even know he wasn't my uncle - talk about a mind fuck) for the first week, and then my godmother until I leave on the 4th.

As you guys have probably guessed, I've decided to have a bit of a blogging holiday during my first week of the England trip for a couple of reasons. One being because I really want to make the most of seeing my family and friends instead of rushing around, not shut myself up on my computer and also produce half-hearted content for you guys, because that's not what I'm about. Secondly, I feel like I need to hold back and regroup. Think of some new blog post ideas, and also sort my mental state out, something I plan on explaining in a blog post coming soon. Blogging is stressful, guys, despite what people may think, and I need a bloomin' holiday!

Next is also super exciting, I passed my brevet! For those who don't know, the brevet is the exam that all high school students take at the end of it. It's composed of 3 written exams and an oral. The written exams are French language and litterature, Maths, and History/Geography/Civic Education (that's taught as one lesson) and the oral is on History of Art, we're meant to have been working on it since our first year but really no one even thinks about it before our last year. It's a pass or fail system, unlike GCSEs which are grades. Most people pass it but I really didn't think I'd pass it but I did!

I've been doing a ton of shopping, which means you can all look forward to a haul when I get back from England (because I plan on doing all the shopping whilst I'm there too.

If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter, you'll know that I've chopped all my hair off and I got a pretty new nose piercing! It was the first time I'd gotten anything pierced in over 10 years (I got my ears done when I was about 3) and I was so super nervous! It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would, and I just closed my eyes and it was over before I knew it. Fun fact, my nose piercing is on the same side as lesbians. But idk, I love it so much and it's super cute but I can't wait to get a ring (yes people, I'm that weird friend who wants random rings in their face) because it's way too much stress to always make sure it hasn't fallen out. Christ.

(Okay so I know it's shitty iPod quality but it's the best I could do)

Wow! I have a lot more to say than I thought so at first! I don't really have anything else to say. Oh! Yes I do! Congrats to everyone who's broken up for their 6 weeks holidays in England! Well done! You survived another year of school!

I've been using Vine a lot at the moment. I enjoy it because it doesn't take as long to make vines as it does to make a Youtube video and I'm a lazy shit so it's perfect. I'm doing a lot of covers so if you're into that then go have a look, the link is at the bottom.

That's about it! I've finally got my laptop back (international plugs are a massive bitch) so hopefully I'll get used to posting as much as I used to (though I'm not going to post every other day because, yanno, still on holiday guys!)

What have you guys been up to? Let me know in the comments!

Aller Kiss!
Matti xxx

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