Cup Of Tea and A Catch Up #4 | Matti May Hardie

by - 12:36 PM

Hey all,
Hows you?

Well, I haven't done one of these for a while, have I? I felt like doing a little update post in the form of a cup of tea and a catch up, just to fill you in on what's been happening and what's new on my end.

So grab a cup of tea and a piece of cake or whatever beverage you desire and enjoy!

These past couple of months have been tricky for me. I've been fighting with my depression and anxiety a hell of a lot and I've spent a large portion of my time feeling low and wondering how to feel better again. I don't fully understand why, but there have been some personal stuff that have meant that my brain has been rather clouded and everything's gotten on top of me.

That having been said, college is going really well. I'm really enjoying it though hairdressing is harder than it looks! It's really interesting learning about the science and logic behind it, though I think my hairdresser is less happy about it since now I'm constantly asking her why she's doing something on my hair when she cuts it!

Mama and I are moving! We're abandoning our pretty little flat to go to a town that's closer to Mama's work and to the bus station for me to get to and from school on Mondays and Fridays. We'll be moving in properly in the beginning of January.

I'm pretty sure I'm a lesbian. It's been a source of constant conflict in my mind, but I feel like recently I've got no attraction to men, and the idea of being with a man isn't something I can imagine myself doing. I've come to understand recently that there's a fine line between "a weird fascination with the person that causes you to want them to notice and talk to you all the time" and "actual attraction and feelings and willingness to be with that person for an indeterminate amount of time romantically - love, basically" and I've noticed that the latter option only really happens with girls, not boys.

I'm writing blog posts like a crazy person so that I can get the best and most content up for you guys so stay tuned in 2016 for new and exciting things! I don't know if you guys have noticed but I've been testing some new stuff out recently so be excited!

Christmas was pretty good. I spent it all with my Mum and we went to our friend's house for some Christmas dinner which was super tasty!

I don't really have anything else to add.

How are you guys? I know I ask that at the start of every post but I feel like it's become kind of rhetorical. So how're you lot? What's going on in your lives? Let me know in the comments and we can have a chat.

Right. I'm going to go because I feel like I've just been rambling on for far too long.

Another thing that I've decided about my blog for 2016 is that I'm going to stop profusely apoligizing if I can't get a post up on a Saturday and it ends up going live on a Sunday. As they say in France, c'est la vie.

Aller Kiss,
Matti x

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