6 Things I've Learnt Whilst Living In France | Matti May Hardie

by - 2:54 PM

Hey all,
Hows you?

A bit of a different post today, but I've been stalking the blog PatriciaBinFrance which I'm sure you can guess is about an American lady who now lives in France and is married to a frenchman too. On her blog she talks about make-up and also about life in France. She recently put a post up called "How To Marry A Frenchman" and it got my mind going.

You may or may not know that I live in France. I moved here with my parents in May 2007 just before my 7th birthday, so it's now been 9 years, I've grown up here, and I think I'm qualified in France and the French.

1/ French People Know Everything
I don't even know what else to say about that. It's as simple as that. They know everything and because you're English, you know nothing. I mean, they're not condescending or anything, but it's impossible to have an arguement with them. Except if you really know your stuff for sure, and even then, you're going to be wrong. Don't take it personally, it's just ingrained in them since birth.

2/ You Will Pick Up Their Manurisms
You know what I mean. The shrugs, "talking with your hands" (making signs with your hands to go with the words you're saying) and all that. Yeah, you will pick it up after a while. Don't even bother trying to fight it. After a while, you'll learn to love it.

3/ There Are Actually Very Few Good Looking Frenchmen
Prepare to be disappointed, ladies (and men, if that's your thing), yup, people really do over-exagerate how many good looking frenchmen there are in France. In all honesty, a lot of them are either taken or too young. Life's hard.

4/ Everyone Has A Massive, Close Family
Everyone grew up with their cousins, in some schools, there would be an entire generation of a family, and they all get together for birthdays and holidays. I have a friend who doesn't even know some of her cousins!

5/ Please and Thank You Are Rare Things Indeed
The number of times I've told my best friend off for not saying please and thank you has become ridiculous. But it's normal in France, and no one really cares.

You do get used to it, I promise.

See what I mean? ALL THE FIELDS. Give me some skyscrapers anyday.

Where do you live? I've always been really interested in finding out where my readers are from!

Aller Kiss,
Matti x

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