My Love-Affair With My Hair | Matti May Hardie

by - 10:09 PM

Hey all,
Hows you?

Ever since I started dying my hair when I was just 11, I've had a total love-affair with my hair. I've cut it, dye it, style it every way I can. My hair has been dark brown, auburn/red (my natural colour), strawberry blond/blond, light brown, red, and not forgetting black (I went through a particularly long emo phase, okay?). It doesn't seem like very much dying, but let's remember that I'm only 15.

I remember perfectly well why I started dying my hair. Sadly, it's not a very nice reason. Like I said before, my hair is naturally red. For some reason, when I started primary school in France, everyone seemed to think that was really weird and funny. I got really bullied for it during the 4 years that I stayed at that school, and again, for the year that I stayed at the new primary school. For my first year of high school, I decided I wanted to dye my hair brown to stop the teasing. It didn't really work because the dye was too close to my natural hair colour, but that was my first experiance with hair dye. I continued to dye it on and off until the start of my third year of high school. Then, I did went super dark, like, almost black, and that's when the addiction to dying my hair set in. I had done it on a Sunday night, and when I'd gone to school the next day, seeing people's reaction when they saw my new super dark, super straight hair, was the best feeling ever. Seeing their eyes go big and jaws drop, it boosted my self-confidence no end. Obviously there was some negative feedback, but honestly, I didn't even notice them.

My Mama and Me (aged 6)

Fringe era (yes, I was a massive poser - don't ask)

Whilst I was letting the dark brown dye fade/grow out

Natural hair colour

Strawberry blond/Decolouration/Trying to grow my hair out rapunzel-style

Short hair

Shorter hair (ft my little sister looking hella awkward (yes, I'm aware there's no family resemblance haha)

Even shorter hair

(I don't actually have many photos of when I had very dark hair. It was pre-selfie era and I didn't tend to take photos at that point)

My Mum always says that I was born to be a hairdresser. I rarely go longer than a month between hairdressers appointements. I always enjoyed the excitement and atticipation of seeing what my hair was going to look like. It was also a bit of an adrenaline kick too. Was it going to suit me or not? Were people going to like it? Some people jump off bridges to get an adrenaline kick, I go to the hairdressers. I'm weird, I know, no need to tell me.

Then there's my hair wishlist. I still do this even though I'm in my phase where I'm trying to stick to one colour/length for once to give my hair a break. It's where I list all the hair colours and lengths and any changes I want to try out go.

This length and colour. I'm so freaking obsessed with the colour omg.

I've always wanted to try this shade of red for my hair. It would probably work quite well since I have naturally red hair.

I've always wanted super long hair, though I don't think I'd have the patience to wait for it to grow!! 

I really want to try tortoiseshell hair. I feel like it's super pretty and easy to pull off.

I think I've waffled on about hair enough now, haven't I? What hair colours/styles do you want to try? What's the worst hair colour/style you've ever had? Let me know in the comments and we can cringe together haha.

Aller Kiss,
Matti x

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