My Favourite Bloggers Of The Moment #4 | Matti May Hardie

by - 4:14 PM

Hey all,
Hows you?

I seem to have gone a little follow-happy on Bloglovin' at the moment, because I seem to all of a sudden be following loads of people and I've been enjoying a load of new blogs at the moment. I don't think I've spoken about someone who was in one of the previous posts for this series actually!

1/ The Life and Books Of Miss Backwards

This blog is written by a good friend of mine, the wonderful Ellie. She has a really funny, witty writing style that's totally inspired. She talks a lot about books, but she also talks about blogging and various other bits that I'll let you discover yourself. I don't know if it's just me and my awful sense of humour, but Ellie cracks me up, whether it's in real-life or in her blog posts.

2/ Cocochic

Now I can't actually remember how I stumbled upon Stephanie's blog, I think it was in the explore section of Bloglovin', I'd seem quite a few of her posts there and had read them and enjoyed them, so I thought I'd follow her and see what I thought. Turns out, I'm now obsessed. She seems like such a lovely and genuine person and can I just say that she is beautiful (though I'm rather jealous of her beautiful, long hair; I'm in a mood at the moment where I'm all "ohhhh I don't like my hair, should I dye it again? Or should I cut it even shorter? Grow it out? - before you ask, yes, yes it is annoying - haha).

3/ From Roses
Ahh, yet another blog I found through the "Explore" page of Bloglovin'. I'd heard of From Roses over the while that I had been using Bloglovin' but I'd never properly read anything she'd ("she" being Rebecca, the blogger behind From Roses) written until a few weeks ago, so I followed her and I can tell you now I'm glad I had. She's got a really nice style where she'll keep it very short but sweet and her posts are kind of like lists which I love (if you know me you'll know that I love me a good list, actually, just read my blog and you can figure it out haha).

4/ Fleur De Force
I first started being properly aware of Fleur's stuff  when my friend Frances kindly gave me her book to read, and told me that I should check it out because she was obsessed blablabla. I had a look at her Youtube channel and I immediately loved it. She's totally found her niche and is owning it! I'm obsessed with her accent and her voice (which sounds creepy but it's true and I don't care k bYE).

5/ The Wonderforest
I only started reading The Wonderforest recently, I can't remember just how I discovered her blog but in any case, I really like it. I can't really explain what she writes about specifically because it is pretty diverse, but I think that's what I like about it.

6/ PatriciaBInFrance
I only recently discovered Patricia's blog, but I'm greatly enjoying it nonetheless. Patricia is an American lady who is married to a Frenchman and now lives in Lyon. She talks about beauty and what it's like living in France. I really enjoy reading about her mishaps and tips about living in France since I can very much relate!

And there we are! I hope you enjoyed finding out which blogs I've been loving recently, let me know which blogs you've been loving recently in the comments.

Aller Kiss,
Matti x

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